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66. Our teachers always tell us that a good _______________ (开始) is half done.
67. The new plan is not _______________(完美的); however, it's much better than the old one. 
68. Finally, Mary _______________  (接受)this gift and took it home.
69. If you get _______________(迷路的)here, stay calm and wait for help.
70. _______________(厚的)and longer hair makes her look more beautiful.
71. The girl couldn’t sleep well last night, so she feels _______________ (sleep) now.
72. I think this small boat is one of the _______________ (fish).
73. Some of the old people feel _______________ (terrible) cold because of the strong wind.
74. “You can do what you like. Help             (you), children!” said Tom’s mother.
75. He spent as much time as he could _______________ (record) the changes in birds' numbers. 

资料名称: 2018年1月泽林牛津版八年级上期末英语调研试卷含听力mp3
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版本年级: 牛津8A期末试题
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 2017—2018学年度八年级上英语期末试卷含答案 18-03-23

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