主题:牛津泽林版8B Unit5 Good manners单元测试卷(C)及答案




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8B Unit5 Good manners 单元测试卷(C)
(    )1. How much did the ticket cost?
    A. 9 pounds each.       B. 19 pounds each.    C. 90 pounds each.
(    )2. Why can't they take a trip this month?
    A. Because they are too busy.
    B. Because they don't have much money.
    C. Because they don't like travelling.
(    )3. What's the man's hobby?
    A. Swimming.                  B. Fishing.                C. Playing computer games.
(    )4. What day is it today?
    A. Tuesday.               B. Thursday.              C. Wednesday.
(    )5. When can the girl use the boy's bicycle?
    A. Now.                    B. This afternoon.      C. Tomorrow.
(    )6. How long is the man going to work?
    A.For a long time.
    B.For a week.
    C.For a few weeks.
(    )7. What is the woman going to do with the money?
    A. To buy a new car.    B. To go to Califormia.  C. To go to Spain.
(    )8. A. sister              B. brother                  C. cousin
(    )9. A. China             B. Australia               C. England
(    )10.A. a small town    B. a big city               C. a quiet village
(    )1. There is a big stone_______ my way_______ my way home yesterday.
    A. at; by             B. in; by             C. on; in             D. in; on
(    )2. He had to speak in a loud_______ because of the_______ of the party in the next room.
    A. noise; noise           B. voice; sound     C. voice; noise      D. sound; voice
(    ) 3. Hard work can bring you_______, but if you are lazy, you won't become_______.
    A. success; successful                       B. successful; successful
    C. successful; success                       D. success; success
(    ) 4. Sailing on a snowy day means_______ in the sea,
    A. to risk losing life                        B. risking losing life
    C. to risk to lose life                        D. risking to lose life
(    ) 5. -He's already been back from Australia, _______?
    -_______. He is on a visit to Shanghai.
    A. isn't he; No    B. hasn't he; Yes   C. isn't he; Yes    D. hasn't he; No
(    ) 6. This exercise is_______ difficult_______.
    A. so; that few of us can do              B. so; that many of us can do
    C. too; for any one of us to do          D. too; for any one of us to do it
(    ) 7. -Where is your mother?
    -She_______ Shanghai. She won't come back_______ next week.
    A. has gone to; until                        B. has been to; until
    C. has been to; after                         D. has gone to; after
(    ) 8. The woman_______ all of her money to charities_______ the poor.
    A. gave; help      B. gave; to helping C. donated; to help       D. donated; help
(    ) 9. Mike is learning_______ a computer.
    A. what to use     B. how to use      C. how he use    D. how to using
(    )10. Anna dances_______, if not better than, Lily.
    A. so well           B. as well as        C. so well as       D. as well
(    )11. Tom's mother is too busy_______ housework_______ him with his homework.
    A. doing; to help   B. to do; to help   C. doing; helping        D. to do; helping
 (    )12. The book isn't mine. _______ can it be?
    A. What else       B. Who else        C. Which else's   D. Who else's
(    )13. The tent is_______ for a family of three
    A. big enough; to love                     B. enough big; to live in it
    C. big enough; to live in                         D. enough big; live in
(    )14. -Ann plays the piano so well.
    -Yes, but I_______ she could play it.
    A. didn't know      B don't know      C. haven't know         D. won't know
(    )15. -How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna? -_______.
    A. Oh, wonderful indeed                         B. I went there alone
C. First by train and then by ship       D. A guide showed me the way
    Edith Cavell was born in a small English village. She was a clever, hard-working girl and did well at school, especially(尤其)in  1  and French.  2   she left school, her first job was to take care of the children of a rich family in Belgium(比利时).The language they spoke was French, so she found that her school studies were  3  .She could understand them easily,at the same time she taught the children to speak English and play the piano.
    After   4   that her father was seriously ill, Edith returned home to  5  him She then decided to become a nurse.She did a wonderful job in the hospita1.A Belgian doctor was so impressed(印象深的)that he invited her to his country to organize a   6  school for nurses. The First World War broke out in 1914 and Edith Cavell's school of nursing became a   7   . She stayed there to look after the sick and wounded(受伤的)soldiers.Edith treated them with kindness.  8   November 1914 and August 1915 she secretly helped about 200 wounded soldiers and prisoners(囚犯)run away from the Germans. Later the Germans   9   what Edith had done and they caught her. Finally, the Germans killed her, but they  10  kill her memory.A tall statue(雕塑)has been built in Trafalgar Square,London,in honor (纪念)of the brave English nurse.
(    )1.A. science       B. music      C. 1anguage   D. dancing
(    )2.A. After        B. While    C. Before           D. As
(    )3.A. interesting   B. helpless    C. difficult    D. useful
(    )4.A. seeing       B. watching   C. listening  D. hearing
(    )5.A. 100k after    B. treat        C. cure        D. leave
(    )6.A. reading    B. training    C. caring    D. working
(    )7.A. home        B. shop       C. museum    D. hospital
(    )8.A. From        B. Between  C. During    D. Since
(    )9.A found out    B looked for        C worked out        D. were interested in
(    )10.A. could      B. must        C. couldn't    D. had to
    When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend on new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale(销售).
    There are labels(标签)inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water. The label on a coat may say 'dry clean only.' Washing may ruin(损坏)this coat. If you do as the instructions say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking  their best. Manu clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
    You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
(    ) 1.If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that _______.
    A.don't fit you                                     B.don't last long
    C. need to be dry cleaned                        D. can be washed
(    )2.The labels inside the clothes tell you _______.
    A how to keep them looking their best       B. how to save money
    C whether they fit you Or not                         D. where to get them dry cleaned
(    )  3.The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is _______.
    A.to look for well-made clothes           B.to see how much money you can pay
    C. to know how to wash them                         D. to read the labels inside them
(    )4. We learn from the reading that cheaper clothes _______.
    A. are always worse made                       B. must be dry cleaned
    C. can not be washed                              D. can sometimes fit you better
(    )5. The best title(标题)for the reading should be _______.
    A Buying Less Expensive Clothes    B. Taking Enough Money When Shopping
    C Being a Clever Clothes Shopper    D. Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes
    How could we tell time if there were no watches or clocks anywhere in the world?
    The sun might be the world's first“clock”,except in the far north,where the Eskimos(爱斯基摩人)live.There,it's dark most of the winter,and light most of the summer.But in most of the world, if you don't have a clock that shows time, you still know that when the sun shines, it's day, and when it's dark, it's night. The sun can not only yell you whether(是否)it's day or night but also it's morning, noon, or afternoon When the sun is almost directly(恰好)overhead, it's noon.
    People who live near the sea learn from the tides. In the daytime, for about six hours, the water rises higher and higher on the beach. And then it goes down and down for about six hours. The same thing happens again at night. There are two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours.
    Seamen on a ship know time by looking at the moon and the stars. The whole sky is their clock.
    In some places in the world the wind comes up at about the same time every day or changes direction or stops blowing. In these places the wind can be the clock.
    A sand clock is an even better clock. If you had fine dry sand in a glass like the one in the picture, you would have what is called an hourglass. The sand in the hourglass goes from the top part to the bottom part in one hour. When the hourglass is turned over, the sand will take another hour to go back again.
(    )6.From the passage we can know there are_______ ways to tell time except the clock and watch.
    A.3                        B.4                  C.5                  D.7
(    )7.The Eskimos in the far north can't use the sun for a clock because _______.
    A. they know very little about the sun
    B. the sun there never goes down in winter
    C. it's too cold for them to go out to watch the sun
    D. it has long day and long light during summers
(    )8.The underlined word 'tides' in the passage means_______.
    A.洋流           B.潮汐           C.海啸           D.波浪
(    )9.Which page of the newspaper may this passage be in?
    A.News.                                    B.Science.
    C. Advertisement.                            D. Sports.
(    )10.What's the best title for the passage?
    A. Different Ways to Tell Time         B. How the Clock Was Invented
    C. The Development of the Clock    D. A Useful Machine to Tell Time
1. The teacher decided to make her opinions_______(公开).
2. The boy wants to choose one of his favourite_______(话题)to talk about.
3. The boy's mother always uses a morning_______(亲吻)to wake him up.
4. Please make everything in its_______(正确的)place.
5. He lighted a_______(蜡烛)and walked into the dark room.
6. My mum was very_______(亲密)with Judy's. I heard they used to be deskmates.
7. Just when I was ready to leave the_______(停车)place, another car crashed into mine.
8. - _______ in before others is really not polite, I think.
  -I agree. We should always queue.
9.-_______ me, can I join your discussion?
   -Sure. We are glad to hear your advice on this problem.
10. -How cloud I learn French well, Miss Li?
   -Above_______, you should think about why you want to learn it.
1. This new computer will make our work easier_______ (complete).
2. Great changes_______ (take) place in Beijing in the past few years. How I wish to visit it again.
3. -What do you think of the city?
  -Wonderful! I_______ (stay) here for another two years.
4. Please_______ (excuse) my father---he isn't always that rude.
5. The teacher needs us ._______ (express) our true feelings about her class.
6. He_______ (shake) my hand and led me into the dining hall.
7. Don't keep the tap_______ (run). It's a waste of water.
8. Would you please_______ (not push) me? Let's get on the bus one by one.
9. -I didn't see you at the meeting yesterday. Why?
  -Because I_______ (wait) for an old friend from the USA.
10. They    . (eat) up all the food, but they still feel hungry.
Dear all,
    The environment in Zhongshan Park has become worse recently. We must do something
 to Stop it.
Yours sincerely,
1. W: Did you have a good time at the theatre last night?
  M: Well, the play was excellent but the tickets cost 90 pounds each.
2. M: Lily, let's take a trip!
  W: George, how can we? Trips cost money. And this month we don't have much money left.
3. W: Did you go swimming last Sunday?
  M: No, I went fishing. That's my hobby, you know.
4. W: What were you doing at this time the day before yesterday?
  M: The day before yesterday? You mean Tuesday? Er, I was walking to my office
5. W: Can I use your new bicycle now?
  M: Sorry. I'm using it myself. But you can use it in the afternoon
M: You are going to work this summer, aren't you?
W: Yes. What about you?
M: I'm going to work for only a few weeks. I plan to go to California in August.
W: I will work for a long time because I want to make more money.
M: You're going to buy a new car soon, aren't you?
W: No, I'm not. I have changed my mind, and I want to go to Spain for two weeks in October.
M: How exciting!
    Mary received a letter from her brother David yesterday. David lives in Australia now. In his letter, he said that he would come to England for a long holiday next year.
    If David comes, he will get a surprise  His sister is now living in a beautiful new house in a quiet village. The village lies by hills and is not far from the nearest large town The house has many nice rooms and there is a small park nearby. It's a very modern house, but some people think it is strange. It must be the only modern house in the village.
(1-5 CBBBB  6-10 CCABC)
二. 1-5 DCABB    6-10 CACBB    11-15 ADCAA
三. 1-5 BADDA    6-10 BDBAC
四. 1-5 DABDC    6-10 CDBBA
五. 1. public    2. subjects   3. kiss    4.proper    5. candle
    6. close    7. parking    8. Pushing    9. Excuse    10. all
六.  l. to complete    2. have taken    3. will stay    4. excuse
    5. to express   6. shook   7. running    8. not push  9. was waiting    10. have eaten
七.  1. You should avoid cutting in on others.
    2. Different kinds of public signs keep us from danger.
    3. He risked losing everything to warn us of danger.
    4. The little girl is careful enough to notice small changes around her.
    5. British people behave politely at home as well.
八. Dear all,
    The environment in Zhongshan Park has become worse recently. We must do something to stop it.
    First, we shouldn't drop litter everywhere and always keep the park clean. We should never pick flowers in the park Second, it's rude to talk or laugh loudly in the park Please keep our voice down Third, if someone is m your way, please say 'Excuse me' and wait till he moves. We should also explain to others the importance of protecting the park It's good for our environment as well as our health by doing this.
    Yours sincerely,


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