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外研社七年级下英语Module 6 Around town 单元测试题
. 词汇(10分,每小题1)
1. You can see many famous ________(油画) in the gallery.
2. Alice likes her ________(旅行) of China.
3. The plane is flying ________(在……上方) the sea.
4. There are two ________(桥) in my hometown now.
5. How many ________(教堂) are there in your city?
6. It’s my ________(three) dress this summer.
7. Look! There’s a small boat on the ________(river).
8. Charlie would like to ________(finish) the work before 10:00 am.
9. A lot of ________(tourist) from America visited our city last week.
10. There are two ________(square) near my home and they are not big.
. 单项选择(10分,每小题1)
(  )11. Bill will visit ______ Tower of London next week.
A. a                            B. an             
C. the                   D. 不填
(  )12. There is only one railway ______ the two cities.
A. with                        B. to             
C. of                           D. between
(  )13. George is two years old. He doesn’t know the way ______ home.
A. over                        B. 不填 
C. to                    D. across
(  )14. David and his friends like to have a picnic in the park on a ______ day.
A. quiet               B. clear  
C. fresh                      D. strange
(  )15. ______ Kitty washes her clothes, she hears the sad story.
A. As                  B. And 
C. Because                D. So
(  )16. —______ can I get to the theatre?
—Go down the street. It’s next to a school.
A. Where                     B. What
C. How                        D. Why
(  )17. Peter, please ______ left when you see a hospital.
A. make                       B. turn   
C. come                       D. bring
(  )18. You can take the No. 1 bus and ______ at the second stop.
A. look for                  B. try on     
C. go over               D. get off
(  )19. The bus can ______ you to the Great Wall.
A. leave                      B. take  
C. change                    D. spend
(  )20. —______?
—Yes. Go along the street and you’ll see it.
A. Where’s the museum   
B. How far is the museum
C. Do you want to go to the museum
D. Can you tell me where the museum is
. 完形填空(10分,每小题1)
Dear Linda,
How are you? My thirteenth birthday is coming, and I will have a     21    in my house next Sunday. Can you    22    to my birthday party? At the party, we will have a big dinner and play some games. I think we’ll have a good time. 
It is not easy to    23    my house. Now let me tell you the    24   . Then you can clearly know    25    my house is.
Go down Green Street.    26    turn left or right, just walk straight (笔直地) on    27  about ten minutes. Then you can see a bus stop on    28    left. You can take the No. 5 bus and get off at    29    stop. Then you are on Happy Street. Go up the street to the end and you’ll see a    30    there. My house is just behind the bank. You can’t miss it!
                                                                                          Yours,   John
(  )21. A. talk                 B. party          C. dinner                 D. show
(  )22. A. drive                B. listen          C. change                       D. come
(  )23. A. get              B. find             C. see                    D. draw
(  )24. A. map             B. street          C. way                    D. station
(  )25. A. who            B. how            C. what                          D. where
(  )26. A. Always         B. Sometimes      C. Don’t                 D. Won’t
(  )27. A. for              B. from            C. of                     D. with
(  )28. A. mine            B. my                 C. yours                          D. your
(  )29. A. five             B. the five        C. fifth                    D. the fifth
(  )30. A. bank            B. park           C. school                 D. shop
. 情景交际 (10分,每小题2)
A: Excuse me. (31)______
B: The bookshop? It’s near the flower store, but it’s a little far from here.
A: (32)______
B: Let me see. It’s about six kilometres away. You can go there by bus.
A: (33)______
B: Yes, the No. 16 bus will take you there.
A: (34)______
B: Go down this road and don’t stop until you get to the first street. (35)______
A: Thank you very much.
B: You’re welcome.

A. How far is it from here?
B. Where is the bus stop?
C. Is there a cinema near here? 
D. You can see it on your left. 
E. Where is the bookshop?
F. I want to buy some books there.
G. Can you tell me which bus I should take?

. 阅读理解(20分,每小题2)
Dear Yang Kai,
Would you like to go out for a picnic with my brother and me at 3:30 on Sunday afternoon?
We will have the picnic in Yingze Park. You know where it is, don’t you? You can take the No. 6 bus to the park. After you go into the park, walk straight on for about five minutes until you come to a small but clean river. There is a bridge over it. Go across the bridge and turn left. After walking for ten minutes, you will come to a hill. Walk to the other side (边) of the hill and you will see a lake (湖). We will have the picnic by the lake.
I’m sure you will find us easily. Don’t forget (忘记) the time.
                                                   Hao Gang
(  )36. Hao Gang wants to have a picnic at ______. 
A. 2:30 pm on Saturday
B. 3:30 pm on Saturday
C. 2:30 pm on Sunday
D. 3:30 pm on Sunday 
(  )37. Yang Kai can take the ______ to Yingze Park. 
A. No. 2 bus         B. No. 4 bus
C. No. 6 bus         D. No. 8 bus
(  )38. It will take Yang Kai about ______ to go from the gate of the park to the river.
A. 5 minutes           B. 10 minutes
C. 15 minutes        D. 20 minutes
(  )39. Yang Kai will find the lake ______.
A. near the bus stop
B. near the gate of the park 
C. on the other side of the river
D. on the other side of the hill
(  )40. The three people will have a picnic ______ in the park.
A. by the lake          B. on the hill
C. near the river     D. on the bridge
Dear Jack,
How are you? I know you will come to my city to visit me next Sunday. Let me tell you the way to my house. When you walk out of the airport, go down Long Street. You will pass a bank on your right. The bank is opposite a famous theatre. Go on and cross White Street and Black Street. When you see a big supermarket, turn left. Then go down High Street and turn right at Sunshine Park. Go down Centre Street and you will go past a church and a square. My house is on your left. It’s about 15 minutes’ walk.
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon and I hope you’ll have a good trip.
(  )41. Jack will meet Michael ______.
A. this Sunday              B. this Monday  
C. next Sunday             D. next Monday
(  )42. Jack may ______ to Michael’s house after he walks out of the airport.
A. ride a bike                B. walk        
C. take a bus                D. fly
(  )43. The underlined word “pass” means ______ in Chinese.
A. 传递                       B. 错过 
C. 进入                       D. 经过
(  )44. Where is the bank?
A. It is next to a church.             
B. It is opposite a theatre.
C. It is in front of a supermarket.
D. It is between the airport and a theatre.
(  )45. How many streets are mentioned (被提及) in the letter?
A. Three.                     B. Four. 
C. Five.                       D. Six.
. 完成句子(10分,每小题2)
46. 电影院在邮局的左边。   (on the left of)
47. 你们知道去车站的路吗?  (the way to)
48. 我上学的路上经过一个公园。  (go past)
49. 为什么不在网上制订你的旅行计划呢? (why not)
50. 广场在城市的中间。   (in the middle of)
. 书面表达(10)
提示:straight  笔直地
Ⅰ. 1. paintings  2. tour  3. above  4. bridges
5. churches  6. third  7. river  8. finish
9. tourists  10. squares
Ⅱ. 11-15 CDBBA  16-20 CBDBD 
Ⅲ. 21-25 BDBCD  26-30 CADDA
Ⅳ. 31-35 EAGBD
Ⅴ. 36-40 DCADA  41-45 CBDBC
Ⅵ. 46.    The cinema is on the left of the post office.
47.   Do you know the way to the station?
48.   I go past a park on my way to school.
49.   Why not make your travel plans on the Internet?
50.   The square is in the middle of the city.
Ⅶ. One possible version:
Jack, there’re two ways to the airport. The first one is: go along Huayuan Road and turn left into Zhongshan Street when you see a cinema. Go straight and you’ll see the airport on your right. The second one is: walk along Huayuan Road and turn left into Daqing Street. Go straight and then turn right into Ping’an Road. Go past the library and you can see the airport.


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