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6.What isn't the girl allowed to do on school nights?
       A.To watch TV.             B.To go to concerts.               C.To do chores.
7.Why does the man disagree with the woman?
       A.Because the man doesn't like children.
       B.Because the children don't study when they are together.
       C.The children may become bad.
8.What has Linda been doing today?
       A.Watching TV.              B.Sleeping.                            C.Studying.
9.What does the cat look like?
       A.It's a white cat with one black ear and two black legs.
       B.It's a black cat with one white ear and two white legs.
       C.It's a black cat with two white cars and one white leg.
10.What did the girl do last night?
       A.She studied by listening to the radio.
       B.She watched a football match on TV.
       C.She studied English by watching TV.
11.What’s wrong with the woman?
A.She has a toothache.     B.She has a cough.                 C.She has a fever.
12.What does the man advise the woman?
A.She should have a rest.      
B.She should take some medicine.
C.She should see a doctor.
13.When is the girl’s birthday?
A.Today.                              B.Tomorrow.                  C.The day after tomorrow.
14.What was Susan doing when Robert called her last night?
       A.She was seeing a film.        B.She was singing.         C.She was reading.
15.Why can’t Susan climb the mountain tomorrow morning?
       A.Because she’ll call up Robert. 
       B.Because she’ll see a film in the cinema.
       C.Because she’ll have to stay at home and study.
16.How will they get there?
       A.By bike.                       B.By bus.                          C.By taxi.
17.How many apples did the boy want to buy?
A.For one dollar.            B.For four dollars.        C.For five dollars.
18.How did the boy feel when he counted the apples?
A.Great.                   B.Surprised.              C.Pleased.
19.Why didn’t the shop assistant let the boy leave?
A.Because the boy didn’t give him enough money.
B.Because he wanted to give the boy more apples.
C.Because the boy gave him more money.
20.What do you think of the boy from the story?
A.Kind.                    B.Silly.                   C.Clever.
第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.        boy with glasses has         bad cold today.
A.The; /                       B.The; a                       C.A; the
22.Each of us has to write a _____ report every two weeks.
23.John fell asleep ______ he was listening to the music.
A.after                           B.before                       C.while
24.—Do you know ______?
— A reporter, I think.
A.what the man in blue is
B.what is the man in blue
C.who is the man in blue   
25.— Must we get to the airport before 8 o’clock?
   — No, you _____. The plane takes off at 12 o’clock.
A.mustn’t                         B.needn’t                          C.wouldn’t
26.— Is that Jack speaking?
   —Sorry, he isn’t here. He ________the cinema with his aunt. 
A.has gone to                B.goes                           C.was going
27.— Do your two children live in Beijing with you?
— _______. One is in Shanghai, the other is in Tianjin.
A.Both                       B.All                       C.Neither
28.We’re glad to see that Jiajiang is developing _______ these years than ever before.
A.quickly                        B.more quickly               C.most quickly
29.I enjoy _____the western food and I often make some for my parents.
       A.cook                             B.cooking                         C.to cook
30.These tall buildings ________ in our hometown last year. 
A.built                            B.are built                         C.were built
31.Oh, I’m sorry for being late. 
   —It doesn’t matter. The film        for just five minutes.
     A.started                    B.has started                     C.has been on
32.—Would you like to play tennis with me tomorrow?
   —Sure,        it rains.
A.since                     B.but                            C.unless
33.—Why do you want to stay at home?
—Because I         good when I am with my family.
A.feel                                B.smell                            C.taste
34.When I went into the room,I found _____ in bed. 
A.him lying                     B.he lying                     C.him was lying
35.—Jean, I didn’t do very well in this test.
—____. I’m sure you will make great progress if you improve the way you study.
A.Not at all                    B.Don’t lose heart           C.I hope so


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