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第二节 听对话 (22.5分)(1—6段对话每段读两遍)
6. Where did the girl find Jim's dictionary?
    A. Behind the door.         B. Under the chair.         C. On the desk.
7. Jenny couldn’t dance well _______.
    A. this January            B. last month              C. last year
8. Where was the shirt made?
A. In Beijing.            B. In Nanjing.               C. In Quanzhou.
9. Where does the woman come from?
A. England.             B. Australia.                C. America.
10. The man has learnt English for _______ years old.
A. 17                  B. 12                       C. 15
11. The man wants         kilos of apples.
    A. three                B. four                     C. five
12. How much should the man pay for the apples?
A. Six yuan.            B. Nine yuan.                C. Twelve yuan.
13. What kind of home does Kangkang’s grandparents live in?
A. A farmhouse.         B. An apartment.             C. A building.
14. How many floors are there in Kangkang’s house?
 A. Two.                B. Three.                   C. Four.
15. Wang Wei’s house is_______.
 A. near a building        B. near a school              C. near a farm
16. Smith makes the phone call because he         .
A. hopes to find a job     B. plans to go to evening classes         
C. wants to know more about the club
17. Smith reads the ads _______.
A. on the Internet        B. in a newspaper            C. on a poster
18. The club doesn’t have any lessons on _______ evening.
A. Monday             B. Tuesday                 C. Wednesday
19. Smith can speak _______ besides English and French.
A. Chinese             B. Spanish                  C. Japanese
20. Why does the woman ask Smith for his e-mail address?
A. She wants to talk with him.          B. She wants to know more about him.
C. She wants to send him some information.
第二部分 选择填空 (35)
(A) 单项选择:从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(15分)
21. — Do you know that boy?
   —_______ one in blue? That’s Sam’s brother.
     A. A                         B. An                   C. The
22. —I feel thirsty. I want something to drink. What about you?
   —OK. Let's go and buy some _________.
     A. coke                       B. cakes                C. apples
23. —I often go to school by bike. What about you?
—My home is next to our school, so I _______ go to school on foot.
      A. always                    B. never                 C. seldom
24. —We are going to play a football game _______ Class 6 this Friday. 
—I will cheer you on. I hope our class will win.
A. for                       B. against                C. to  
25. — Lily, please put your school things in your bag.
   — But those books are not ________. They are Tom’s.
       A. I                                      B. my                                C. mine
26. — Miss Liu, I left my homework at home.
   — You can ________ it here this afternoon.
A. bring                                   B. take                            C. carry     
27. ―I think Tony runs        in our school.
―So he does! He's just won the boys' 100-meter race.
A. fast                        B. faster                C. fastest
28. ―Mike, you _______ the magazine since last week. Can you return it now?
A. borrowed                   B. have borrowed         C. have kept
29. —I can’t decide which shirt to choose.
—_______ the blue one _______ the white one is OK. They look nice on you.
A. Both, and                   B. Either, or             C. Neither, nor
30. —Long time no see. How is everything going now?
     A. Oh, no.                     B. Me, too.              C. Just so-so.
31. —I am sorry I can’t get a ticket to the concert for you.
     A. Go ahead!                  B. Let me see.            C. Thank you all the same.
32. —These waste boxes ________ too much space in the kitchen.
—I’ll sell them at once.
     A. take up                              B. put up                         C. take off
33. —Do you know        for Japan?
—Yes, he'll leave next Monday.
A. when will Bruce leave       B. when Bruce will leave    C. how Bruce will leave
34. —I think students should have mobile phones to ring up their parents.
   —_______ They often use them to play games in class instead.
A. I hope so.                   B. No problem.             C. I don’t agree.
35. —Many people are worried about the housing-price _______keeps raising in recent years.
—That’s really a problem
A. what                    B. who                                 C. that


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