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第一节    听小对话,回答问题。每段对话仅读一遍。(共5小题,每小题l分,计5分)
1.What would the woman like to eat?
A.Bread.              B.Potato chips.      C.Noodles.
2.What is Bob’s job?
A.A singer.           B.A waiter.           C.A cook.
3.Where is the man probably going?
A.To the post office. B.To the bookstore.  C.To the health club.
4.How is Lucy going to spend her vocation?
A.Learning to draw.                                   
B.Learning to play baseball.
C.Learning to skate.
5.When will the film start?
A.At 6:00.         B.At 6:30.          C.At 7:00.
第二节    听长对话,回答问题。对话读两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)
6.What day is coming soon?
A.Mother’s Day.   B.Children’s Day.    C.Father’s Day.
7.Who will help Frank wash the car?
A.His sister.          B.His brother.       C.His friend.
8.What’s Susan’s favourite hobby?
A.Playing the piano.                                B.Playing the violin.
C.Playing the guitar.
9.How many stamps has Darning got?
A.About 50.                B.About 500.        C.About 5 000.
10.When will the speakers probably meet?
A.This Friday.      B.This Saturday.     C.This Sunday.
11.How did the first man feel when he was invited to the party?
A.Excited.           B.Worried.                  C.Confident.
12.What advice did his friend give him?
A.Don’t drink too much.
B.Don’t make a fool of himself(出洋相)by eating too much.
C.Don’t talk about anything that he doesn’t really understand.
13.Why did the first man get careless by the end of the party?
A.Because he drank too much.                     
B.Because he wanted to leave early.
C.Because he was worried about others’ questions.
14.Which word can be used to describe the two people?
A.Clever.             B.Knowledgeable.    C.Silly.
15.What can be inferred(推断)about the second man?
A.He was very funny.
B.He knew nothing about Mark Twain as the first man.
C.He knew more of Mark Twain than the first man did.
16.The underlined part in the word “prevented” is pronounced as ________.
A./t/                  B./d/                  C./Id/                D./It/
17.--It’s cloudy now.I hope the clouds will ________ later on.
---I hope so.
A.clear                  B.be heavy               D.appear                 D.clean
18.Do you know the woman ________ dress is red?
A.who                    B.whose                  C.which                  D.what
19.________ your books,Torn.Don’t leave your things here and there.
A.Put on                 B.Put off                C.Put away             D.Put down
20.We can see ________ stars at night if here are no clouds in the sky.
A.thousand of          B.thousands of         C.a thousand                  D.two thousands
21.--May I go surfing alone this afternoon,Dad?
--No,you ________.It’s dangerous.
A.may not               B.can’t                  C.needn’t                D.don’t
22.--What would you like,coffee or milk?
--________,I prefer some tea.
A.All                      B.Both                    C.Either                  D.Neither
23.--________ are the Olympic Games held?
--Every four years.
A.How long           B.How often                  C.How soon           D.When
24.________ free education,the poor children in our hometown can go back to school.
A.Instead of           B.As well as           C.Thanks for           D.Thanks to
25.--We won’t have classes tomorrow,do you know?
A.I think I know                                         B.You’re telling a lie
C.Really? That’s news to me                        D.I hope so
Robert had just moved into the neighborhood,and he had a strange feeling that he was not wanted.He thought maybe ___26___ boys were trying to get idea of what he was like.But that didn’t make him feel any less ___27___.He was new,and he had to be ___28___.Still,proving himself would not be all ___29___ easy.He didn’t want to make friends with bad boys or do anything ___30___ the law to prove that he was ___31___.No! He must show what he was ___32___ in a good way.That’s how he got his idea.
The next day was Saturday.He ___33___ that most o{the boys would go down to the playground and choose sides for Saturday’s ___34___ game.Robert knew he was strong.Then the boys would want to be his friends.
He ___35___ early and did his step exercises.He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises,some of ___36___ were very difficult and looked cool.
Then the boys came.Robert ___37___ what he had done before the game and ___38___ what he could do.No one said a ___39___.The boys just looked at each other and thought about it.When it was all over,the biggest one in the group ___40___ and shook his hand.Robert knew he had made it.
26.A.another                B.the others             C.others                  D.the other
27.A.lonely                 B.friendly               C.happy                  D.uncertain
28.A.examined             B.checked               C.corrected             D.tested
29.A.even                    B.that                     C.too                      D.much
30.A.for                      B.against                 C.on                       D.about
31.A.weak                    B.friendly               C.strong                  D.lovely
32.A.made of               B.made from           C.made up of          D.made into
33.A.decided               B.considered                  C.realized               D.knew
34.A.football               B.basketball           C.volleyball            D.baseball
35.A.arrived                B.got                      C.reached                D.appeared
36.A.that                     B.it                        C.them                  D.which
37.A.looked through      B.went through        C.lived through       D.got through
38.A.showed                B.acted                  C.played                 D.gave
39.A.letter                  B.word                  C.phrase                 D.sentence
40.A.cried                  B.left                      C.smiled                 D.stayed
In winter,many animals like to sleep.But their sleeps can be very long and deep.This kind of sleep is called hibernation.During this kind of sleep,their temperatures go down,and hearts beat slowly.They take very small breathes.
Animals can hibernate for part of all of the winter.It’s hard for them to find things to eat.When they go to sleep,they don’t need much food.
Bears,hedgehogs(刺猬)and chipmunks(花栗鼠)got to sleep in their homes.Frogs and snakes hibernate,too.Frogs move into the earth under water to keep themselves warm.
Before they go to sleep,they eat a lot to get fat.Some also keep food in their homes to eat later.
Bears are the biggest animals that hibernate.They often sleep in caves.Bears must eat a lot of things like nuts before going to sleep for a long time.They eat as much as 300 apples(that’s the same as 60 hamburgers)each day for many weeks.They can eat for 20 hours a day!
Bears can go into a very deep sleep.It can last from three months to half a year.During that time they do not eat,drink or go to the toilet.A mother bear can give birth to babies during her hibernation.
Other animals sleep less.Sometimes they wake up to eat,or take a walk.Then they go to sleep again.
41.During hibernation,which of the following is NOT true of animals?
A.Their temperatures drop.                        B.Their hearts beat slowly.
C.They take small breaths.                         D.They sleep for the whole winter.
42.________ hibernate for the longest time.
A.Hedgehogs           B.Bears                  C.Chipmunks          D.Snakes
43.What does the underlined word “hibernation” mean in Chinese?
A.休息                  B.修养                  C.冬眠                  D.睡觉
44.According to the article,we can learn that bears _________.
A.eat 300 apples all together before hibernation
B.can give birth to babies during hibernation
C.can wake up to take a walk during hibernation
D.eat a lot even when they are in hibernation
Every day we use money to buy what we want.But have you ever really noticed the bill in your hand? There are different pictures on both sides of banknotes(纸币)and interesting stories behind them.
Most banknotes have famous people on the front,such as a country’s leader or a great scientist,while on the back of the paper note there are usually some well-known scenes or national buildings.
The latest editions of Chinese banknotes use the picture of Mao Zedong,founding father of the People’s Republic of China,on the front of all yuan bills.However,the backs of the bills are different.The Great Hall of the People,on the 100-yuan note,is a landmark in Beijing.Important meetings are always held there.The Lijiang River in Guilin,on the 20-yuan note,is one of the most beautiful scenes in the world.
The US 1-dollar bill has the first president,George Washington,on the front side.A 13-level pyramid is on the back.Benjamin Franklin,a great scientist and politician from the US,appears on the front of the 100-dollar bill.You can see the White House。where the presidents live,on the back of the 20-dollar bill.
45.According to Paragraph 2,which one probably appears on the back of the banknote?
A.Abraham Lincoln.                                B.Elizabeth Ⅱ.
C.Taishan Mountain.                                D.Titanic.
46.The Lijiang River of Guilin is _________.
A.on the back of 20-yuan note                     B.on the front of 20-yuan note
C.on the front of 100-yuan note                  D.on the back of 100-yuan note
47.On the front of the 100-dollar bill,we can see _________.
A.George Washington                                    B.Benjamin Franklin
C.a 13-level pyramid                                   D.the White House
Wang Jiaming from Beijing Chenjinglun High School says he is a lucky boy.He’s happy that he’s sitting the senior high school entrance exam(中考)in 2014 instead of 2016.
On Oct.22,Beijing Municipal Commission of Education(北京市教委)announced that,from 2016,the English scores in the senior high school entrance exam will be reduced from 120 to 100.Of the 100 points.the listening ability scores will increase to 50.Meanwhile,the points for Chinese will increase from 120 to 150.
“The change won’t affect me.I feel so lucky because English is my strongest subject,” said Wang.
Why such a change? It places the importance on Chinese in our study,and reduces students’ pressure,said Li Yi,spokesman of the commission.
“The change will also push us to pay attention to the practical usage of English,” said Li.“Students will be encouraged to learn to understand English menus and read English news on mobile phones.”
There isn’t news that other cities will have the same change.But several places are making changes to English tests in the college entrance exams.
For example,Shandong is considering taking out the listening part of the English exam in its gaokao.
But.“being tested for less points doesn’t mean the subject can be taken lightly,” Bai Ping wrote in China Daily.
English has long been the world’s most commonly used language.Former Chinese premier Zhu Rongji once said:“In a globalizing economy,if you cannot interact with foreigners,how can one he part of the world economy?”
Wang Jiaming said he understood the change.“Chinese,not English,is our mother tongue,” he said.“But still,I think English is both interesting and useful.”
48.In the Beijing senior high school entrance exam of 2016,_________.
A.the English scores will be cut down to 100
B.the English listening ability scores will be lowered
C.the points for Chinese will be reduced by 30 points
D.the points for chemistry will increase by 20 points
49.Wang Jiaming feels lucky because _________.
A.he doesn’t need to take the important exam
B.the exam changed from 2016 doesn’t affect him
C.he does well in Chinese
D.he is poor in chemistry
50.What is the main purpose of the change?
A.To encourage students to learn how to order meals in English.
B.To make students learn to read English news on mobile phones.
C.To ask students to prepare for the college entrance exam,
D.To make students pay more attention to learning Chinese.
51.What does Bai Ping think of the reforms?
A.They make students spend less time on English.
B.They make it harder to get a high score.
C.Studying English is still important for the students.
D.English is both interesting and useful.
Imagine climbing the three highest mountains in Britain.Now,imagine climbing all three in 24 hours.That’s what Rebecca Shedden,a British schoolgirl,did and she’s only eight years old.She is one of the youngest people who have arrived on top of Snowdon,Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis,the three highest mountains in Britain.
Rebecca and her dad finished the climb.a total of about 11 000 feet(3 353 metres),in 23 hours and 15 minutes.That includes the time spent driving to each mountain:a distance of 500 miles.
Climbing isn’t new to this schoolgirl.She took her first trip up a mountain in her dad’s backpack when she was just six months old!
“One of the best parts about this climb was Scafell Pike.” said Rebecca.“I’ve never walked in the dark before,and it was fun seeing all the sheep eyes as they ran around in the dark.”
Rebecca brought along food,water,a medical kit,a hat,fl map,a lamp,a camera to take photos and even a mobile phone in case something went wrong.Along the way,she and her dad had fun by making up mountain songs.“All my friends like to stay inside playing computer games,but I like being outdoors best,” says Rebecca.Rebecca also enjoys swimming and skiing.
The young climber doesn’t play to stay on flat land for long.She wants to climb Mount Kilimanjaro(乞力马扎罗山),the tallest mountain in Africa.“And l would like to climb Mount Qumolangma one day,too,” she said.
52.What is the distance up and down all these three highest mountains in Britain?
A.500 miles.                                            B.24 hours’ walk
C.11 000 feet.                                          D.23 hours and 15 minutes’ drive.
53.Why did Rebecca like climbing Scafell Pike best of the three trips?
A.Because the Scafell Pike was the darkest part.
B.Because it’s the highest mountain in Britain.
C.Because she likes being outdoors best.
D.Because she saw all the sheep eyes in the dark.
54.According to the article,Rebecca likes the following activities EXCEPT _________.
A.swimming                                                     B.skiing
C.playing computer games                           D.climbing
55.Rebecca likes climbing probably because __________.
A.she doesn’t get along with her friends           B.her dad has a great influence on her
C.she likes making up mountain songs             D.she wants to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
bowl  him  nice  through  receive
56.This dress looks ________ than that one.
57.My father was hungry and had two ________ of rice.
58.Anne ________ your letter yesterday afternoon.
59.He sat by the fire alone and talked to ________.
60.The ball went flying ________ the window.
In Britain,some people say they would do anything if a famous person they loved ___61___(叫)them to! One in three people in Britain have a new type of disease:they love a famous person too much.Some people love famous ___62___(明星)like Britney Spears,David Beckham or even Tony Blair! It’s not just teenage girls:adults have the same p___63___.One in four people are so i___64___ in their hero that it affects their life.
There are two ways of worshipping famous people.One way is just to ___65___(跟随)them or talk about them with their friends for fun In another more ___66___(严重的)way,people have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends.This is not normal and is an ___67___.
Experts report that there are both good and b___68___ sides of loving someone famous.People who did so for fun were found to be happier.However,those who had strong feelings for a famous person were likely to be more ___69___(孤独的)and worried.
“Worshipping famous people is not necessarily a bad thing,” Dr John,an expert said,“H___70___,like many things,overdoing it may not always be good for you.”


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