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第一节 单项选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
21—Do you know about Ye Shiwen?
---Yes, she is _____ Olympic swimming started swimming at ____age of six.
A. an; an                             B. an; the                                  C. a; the
22. ---Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full of _____.
---So she is. She takes a lot of exercise every day.
A. knowledge                    B. courage                                C. energy
23. What do you think of soap operas?
---To be honest. I can’t stand _____.
A. it                                B. them                                    C. her
24. will you please give the Readers Times to Jane?---Sure, I’ll give it to her _____ she comes back.
A. before                           B. until                                    C. as soon as
25. ---Who’s singing in the garden?---It ____ be Mr. Brown. He always practices singing at this time.
A. must                             B. can’t                                  C. need
26. ---Have you ever come to Fuzhou before?
---Yes. This is my _____ visit to Fuzhou. I have come here twice before.
A. third                             B. second                                 C. three
27. ---I think English as _____ as math.---I agree with you.
A. more interesting B. the most interesting C. interesting
28.---Hi, Bob! I can’t find my history book. Have you seen it _____?
---Sorry, I haven’t.
A. anywhere                     B. everywhere                          C. somewhere
29.---Let’s plan a surprise party for our class. What’s your idea?
---Why not _____ a short play?
A. get on                           B. put on                                  C. try on
30.---_____ did it take you to finish the work?
---About three hours.
A. How soon                    B. How long                             C. How often
31. ---Can you see the picture on the wall? It looks beautiful.
---Yes. It _____ by Mr. Black two months ago.
A. painted                         B. is painted                             C. was painted
32. ---We couldn’t find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening.
---I’m sorry for it. My mother and I _____ in the supermarket.
A. shopped                        B. will shop                             C. were shopping
33. ---You look so tired.
---My mother makes me _____ playing the piano for 2 hours every day.
A. practice                               B. to practice                            C. practicing
34. ---_____ sweet music!---And I really like the Voice of China TV programs.
A. What                                 B. How                                  C. What a
35. ---Could you tell me _____? ---At nine o’clock tomorrow morning.
A. when we met                 B. when we will meet                  C. when will we meet
第二节 补全对话。(每小题2分,共10分)
A:Hello, this is Lucy speaking. Is that Li Wei?
B:Hi,Lucy!36_____ We are expecting your coming
A: Thank you! My plane leaves Beijing this afternoon.
B: 37______
A: It’s CA1409
B: OK. CA1409 38______
A:At 3:30 in the afternoon
B:Leaves at 3:30 and arrives…
A: It arrives at 6:10, and I’ll have to wait some time for my luggage(行李)
B: All right.39_____
A: Thanks a lot 40.______
B: I’ve ordered a room for you in the center of the city near my home.
A: Wonderful! See you then !
B:See you!
第三节 书面表达(满分15分)
96. 初中三年的学习生活即将结束,我们将迎接暑假,怎样拥有愉快且有意义的假期,请分享我的假期精彩。(根据以下提示要点,描述你的充实假期计划,可适当发挥,字数不少于90词)。
1. 和父母一起前往发达国家旅行,开阔眼界widen our sight,丰富知识richen our knowledge.
2. 捐书donate books籍给贫困地区的孩子们。
3. 每天浏览因特网,关注世界。
4. 为环保做些事,梅花我们的城市。
5. 做些家务,提高自理能力。
6. 看望祖父母,和他们住几天。
7. 锻炼身体,保持健康,为新的学习生活做充分准备。
You’ll end three years of junior high school learning life, how will you spend your summer vacation? I’ll share my happy and meaningful summer vacation plan with you.


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