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Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(7.5分)
(   )6. A. Fine, thank you. And you?       B. I’m doing my homework.
            C. I’m making the card by hand.
(   )7. A. Thank you all the same.             B. This way, please.
            C. I don’t tell you.
(   )8. A. It’s hard to say.                         B. Yes, I like it best.
            C. No, I don’t like it.
(   )9. A. I can write.                               B. I can draw a bird.       C. Yes, I can.
(   )10. A. It’s Wednesday.                       B. It was Friday.              C. It was June 3rd.
Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(7.5分)
(   )11. What does Jane often do in her free time?
A. She often watches TV.               B. She often dances to music.
C. A and B.
(   )12. What’s the boy’s plan for the summer holidays?
A. He wants to visit Germany.
B. He hopes to visit India.
C. He would like to go to Australia.
(   )13. What shape is Maria’s present?
A. It’s black and white.                 B. It’s round.
C. We don’t know.
(   )14. Where are they talking?
A. In a restaurant.                         B. In a store.                  C. In a library.
(   )15. Are there any model planes in the box?
A. Yes, there are.
B. No, there aren’t.
C. Yes, there is only one.
Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(7.5分)
(   )16. Tom went to visit his uncle with _____.
A. his mother                               B. his father                    C. his sister
(   )17. They went there _____.
A. by bike                                    B. on foot                       C. by bus
(   )18. His uncle’s home is _____ their home.
A. far from                                  B. near                           C. next to
(   )19. Tom ran on the bus because _____.
A. he was very happy
B. he wanted the bus to go fast
C. he was not happy
(   )20. Mother told Tom to _____.
A. sit down                                  B. run                            C. walk around
第二部分  选择填空 (35分)
(A) 单项选择:从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(15分)
 (   )21. —_____ do you play computer games?
—Twice a month.
A. How long      B. How many       C. How often                 
(   )22. . —_____
—It’s June 1st.
A. What’s the time now?                 B. What’s the date today?
C. What day is it today?                   
(   )23. —Merry Christmas!
A.. Me, too.         B. No problem.    C. The same to you.
(   )24. —_____ can I keep the books?
—Three weeks.
A. How many      B. How much       C. How long       
(   )25 —Listen! Who _____ in the music room?
—It must be Jane. She usually _____ at this time every day.
A. sings; sings                                B. is singing; is singing
C. is singing; sings
(   )26.  —What’s on the table, Meimei?
—There is _____old model plane on it .
A. a                   B. an                    C. the                                   
(   )27. —What should we take for the trip ?
—You’d better _____a camera, a map and so on .
A. take             B. to take             C. taking
 (   )28. —How do you usually go to school?
—I usually go to school  _____.
A. by a bike             B. on bike                    C. by bike     
(   )29. — What’s your favorite season ?
— Fall . It is a good season  _____  hills .
A. climb           B. to climb                     C. climbing
(   )30. —Excuse me, which is the way to the post office?
—Sorry. I’m new here.
A. Not at all        B. Bad luck
C. Thank you all the same                                  
(   )31. —Would you like to go for a picnic with us?
        —_____, but I’m too busy.
A. No, I can’t                B. I’d like
C. Yes, I’d love to                                      
(   )32. —Where is the washroom , Jane ?
A. This way , please .             B. Of course I do . C. Sorry , I can’t .
(   )33. —When ____ you born , Kangkang ?
—I  ____ born on May 1 st , 1999.
A. were ,was          B. are , am         C. was , were                       
(   )34. —Did you enjoy      at the party ?
          —Yes . I had a good time .
A. your             B.you             C. yourself
(   )35. 找出画线部分读音与其他二个不同的选项。
A. wear        B. dear       C. ear    


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