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(一)   听句子,选择正确的答语,每个句子读一遍。
5.  A. On March 11 th.      B. By bike.       C. At home.
6.  A. Yes, I do.            B. Yes, I can.     C. No, I don`t.
7.  A. Honey.             B. Two dollars.    C. One cup.
8.  A. I use the chopsticks   B. Wood.        C. Yes, please.
9.  A. Because it makes me relaxed    B. Yes, I like it.   C. In the music room.
10. A. No, I haven`t.       B. Once a month. C. Me, neither
A) 你将听到五段对话及五个问题,选择正确的答案,每段对话及问题读两遍。
11. A. Lisa.                B. Tom.        C. Peter
12. A.5 minutes.           B. 15 minutes.   C. 50 minutes.
13. A. To the hospital.       B. To the park.    C. To the apartment.
14. A. Every day.            B. Once a week.  C. twice a week.
15. A. Looking for a hotel     B. Shopping.     C. Ordering food.
B) 你将听到两段对话,请根据对话内容,选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。
16. When will Jane go for a picnic?
   A. This Sunday.     B. Next Sunday.    C. This Saturday.
17. What does David remind Jane to bring?
  A. Food and drinks.   B. Her guitar.      C. Her camera.
18. What`s the relationship between the two speaks?
   A. Mother and son.    B. Father and daughter.     C. Brother and sister.
19. Who should clean the car this time according to the woman?
   A. Tony              B. John.       C. Mary.
20.What do you think of John?
  A. He`s hard-working.   B. He`s silly      C. He`s lazy.
21. What should a class manager help do for the class?
   A. Make a great speech.
   B. Recycle old books.
   C. Organize activities.
22. Who did Robert want to recycle old books for?
   A. Old people.
   B. Poor children.
   C. Hard-working students.
23. How did Robert want to make money for a trip?
  A. By recycling newspapers.
  B .By recycling used bottles.
  C. By recycling old bikes.
24. Why did Jenny have a party instead of making a speech?
  A .Because she didn`t think it`s necessary to make a speech.
  B. Because she thought she had no time for a speech.
  C .Because she missed her friends.
25 .What was the result in the end?
  A .Both Jenny and Robert won.
  B. Jenny became the class manager.
  C .Robert became the class manager.


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