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2015-2016学年外语教研版七年级上Module5 My school day检测题检测题含答案
1. My brother often gets up at half past six.
2. Sally has history at nine o’clock.
3. Danny has lunch at half past eleven.
4. Jack plays basketball with his friends at half past three.
5. I go to bed at ten o’clock.
6. M: Excuse me, how can I get to the city library?
W: The No. 62 bus will take you there. It’s across from the zoo.
7. M: When are you supposed to arrive if you are invited to a dinner party in Germany?
W: I ’m supposed to get there on time.
8. M: Mona, did you enjoy yourself at the party?
W: No, it was quite noisy. You know, I like gentle music.
9. M: A terrible accident happened in America last week.
W: Oh, what is it?
M: A plane fell into a neighborhood and fifty people were killed.
W: Oh, my goodness!
10. M: Our English teacher was ill. Who will teach us today?
W: It must be Miss Green. Look, she’s coming to our class.
M: Let’s go back to the classroom now.
Good morning, class! Next Monday will be our 15th Sports Day. And here’s a plan for the day. The opening of the Sports Day will start at eight thirty in the morning. Make sure you won’t be late for it. After that, we’ll have a 100-meter race. The race will start at nine and end at twelve. Your lunch break will start at twelve thirty. You will have one hour and thirty minutes for it. After lunch, we will have a match of high jump. The match of high jump will start at 2:00 p.m. Finally, we’ll have a football match. It will start at half past three. It must be exciting. Hopefully you’ll have fun!
1~5 CEADB  6~10 BABCB  11. Monday  12.start/begin
13.12:30/twelve thirty/half past twelve
14. match of high jump  15.football match
16.A  由答语“In the morning.”知问句问的是时间。
17.C  “画家”与art对应。喜欢美术,想当画家。
18.B  在某一天的早上用介词on。
19.B  在具体时刻前用at;在上午用in。
20.A  由答语可知是询问“你的生日是什么时候?”,故用when。
21.B  回答时间用“It’s+时刻”。
22.A  表示某人“有”某物用have或has,主语为复数,故用have。
23.D  go是不及物动词,接地点名词时应加to;接副词时则不用to。home在此为副词,故选D。
24.C  talk to...和……交谈。
25.B  行为动词have的一般现在时的否定形式是don’t have。
26.C  由后句“今年我去美国学习”可知是一名学生。
27.B  have classes上课。
28.B  主语为第三人称单数,故谓语动词也应用第三人称单数形式。
29.C  在三点应该是“回家”的时间。
30.B  在下午三点回家符合常识。
31.A  否定行为动词应用助动词。
32.A  只有do能与宾语things相搭配。
33.B  喜欢“音乐”才加入摇滚乐队。
34.C  由后句可知是加入“科学”俱乐部。
35.A  表转折用but。
41. B  由Good morning, class!可知。
42. A  由My name is Wang Tongli.可知。
43. C  由I’m your new English teacher.可知。
44. C  由This is Emma. She is an English girl.可知。
45. B  通读全文可知,Wang Tongli, Emma 和 Mike现在都在教室里。
46.past   47.dinner   48.starts   49.When   50.sleep   51.break
52.favourite   53.week   54.watching   55.love
56.Lucy’s   57.play ing   58.Classes   59.don’t go 
60.like   61.talk   62.talk   63.don’t do   64.lunch   65.my
66.What day   67.don’t have   68.What is          69.half past five          70.What time
One possible version:
Jane: Hell o! Li Yi.
Li Yi: Hello! Jane.
Jane: How are you?
Li Yi: I’m fine, thank you! And you?
Jane: I’m fine, too. Li Yi, this is Michael.
Li Yi: Nice to meet you, Michael.
Michael: Nice to meet you, too.


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