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A) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。((每空1分,共5分)
16. Tom tries to eat junk food_______________(two)a week.
17. There are some  ___________(different) between the two words.
18. It’s not easy for me _______________ (make) friends.
19. You danced _______________ (well) than Lisa.
20. Why are you so good at _____________ (write) stories.
21.  Thank you for your                        (邀请).
22. The environment will be in great _______________(危险)
23.I               (想知道) if he can come to my birthday party.
24.Now the                  (污染) is very serious.
25. I do my homework _______________ (细致地) every day.
(    )26. —What did you buy _______ yesterday morning?
—I bought  _______umbrella.
A. on; a           B. \; a           C. on; an          D. \; an
(    )27. There is _______milk in this glass than in that one.
A. few          B. little            C. fewer           D. less
(    )28.---Would you like to help me? --- Sure, _______.
A. I would     B. I’d like     C. I do        D. I’d love to
(    )29. There are _______visitors here every day.
A. hundred         B. hundreds of   C. hundred of   D. hundreds
(    )30. Look! There are five planes _______ in the sky.
A. fly              B. flying         C. to fly           D. to flying
(    )31. There are _______on the table.
A. two cups of yogurt        B. two cup of yogurt
C. a c up of yogurt           D. two cups of yogurts
(    )32. ____ __a great party ! ____ delicious the food is !
 A. What; how              B. How;How  
 C. What;What            D. How;What
(    )33. It ________him really an hour to get there by bike.
 A. spent       B. to ok      C. paid       D. cost
(    )34. I want to watch sports news. Please _______ the TV.
A. turn on    B. turn off    C. turn up     D. turn down
(    )35. The green one is _______than the yellow one.
A. much expensive     B. much more expensive 
C. expensiver         D. expensive
(    )36. —Why do you like this kind of movie?
—Because it always has _______ .
A. nothing enjoyable               B. enjoyable nothing
C. something enjoyable            D. enjoyable something
(    )37. There is ____milk in the bottle, could you please buy some for me?
A. little      B. a little      C. few      D. a few
(    ) 38. It’s important _ ___________us ___English well.
A. of, to learn  B. for, to learn  C. to, to learn D. with, learning
(    )39. His hair is shorter than_______.______.
A. my             B. myself           C. me          D. mine
(    )40.She always eats________ food.
A. too many  B. too much    C. many too  D. much too
(    )41. He is a funny boy. He often makes us________.
A. laughing     B. to laugh        C. laugh         D. laughs
(    )42. How _________water do new trees need?
A. soon     B. many         C. much    D. often
(    )43. He was born________ October, 2002.
 A. on        B. in          C. at         D. of
(    )44. ________ it is snowing, it isn’t very cold.
A. Although       B. If                C. When        D. Because
(    )45. ---________does your brother use the Internet?  ---Once a week.
A. How often       B. How many     C. How much      D. How long
IV. 动词考查(每题l,l0)
A) 选择动词的适当形式填空。(共5分)
(     )46. The boy is too young           to school.  
 A. to go     B. going      C. goes      D. to going
(     )47.  We’ll try our best           good grades in the test.
A. get       B. gets        C. to get       D. getting
(     )48. If he goes to the party, he ______  a great time.
A. has    B. have    C. had      D. will have
(     )49. Mike is looking forward to       the Great Wall next month.
A. visited  B. visit     C. visits     D. visiting  
(     )50.There ______ a soccer game in our school tomorrow afternoon.
A. was        B. has          C. will be       D. will have


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