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译林牛津版选修六Unit4 Helping people around the world课外阅读练习(含答案)
   In the future cookers will be ready for you to cook a complete meal at t he touch of a switch. Television will tell you prices at the shops and news and entertainment. Videophone will bring pictures as well as sound. Machine will control temperature, lighting, entertainment, washing and gardening. Lighting serves as wall paper and it will make your room look nicer.
   At work, robots will take o ver most jobs in factories, Working hours will fall to under 30 hours a week. Holidays will get together. Men and wome n will retire at the same age. The home will become the center of entertainment through television and electronic games. More people will eat out than they do today, also they will have a l ot more kinds of food.
   There will be more foreign travels. Non-stop flights will be cheap. Hobbies and education will become more and more important.
1. The main idea of this passage is that ______.
A. there will be great changes in your work and life in the future
B. you will eat more and work less in the year 2005
C. pe ople will spend less time at home next century than they do today
D. hobbies and education will become more and more important
2. Machines will control the temperature so that ______.
A. you won’t have a fever any more
B. you won’t feel hot in summer and cold in winter
C. rivers won’t freeze i n winter
D. there will be no temperature
3. You can get light from ______.
A. electric lamps
B. wall p aper
C. lighting
D. stars
4. “Non-stop flight” means _______.
A. the plane will not stop on the way
B. the plane will always be flying, without stop
C . the plane won’t stop but you can get off
D. the plane will fly anywh ere as you like
5. Life in the next century will be _______.
A. more exciting and enjoyable
B. easier but less interest ing as machines or robots will do most jobs instead of you
C. simpler and easier so that you won’t need high education any more
D. too expensive and more people will go to have fast food


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