主题:新目标版八年级英语上册Unit1 Section B课件+教案+练习




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新目标版八年级英语上册Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?Section B课件+教案+练习(9份)
Ⅰ. Learning aims
1.     Knowledge aims :
Words: enjoyable, activity, decide, try, building, trader, wonder, difference, wait, umbrella, enough.
Phrases: arrive in, too many, feel like, because of, along the way.
Sentences patterns:
(1) It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.
(2) I felt like I was a bird.
(3)What a difference a day makes!
(4) The food tasted great because I was so hungry!
2. Skill aims:
Enable students to interpret others’ travel diaries and learn to keep a travel diary entry using the simple past tense.
3. Emotional aims:
Lead students to compare two different kinds of customs and cultures, love and get close to the nature.
Ⅱ. Teaching difficulties:
1. Let students master the past tense of some verbs, distinguish some words and phrases and develop good reading habits.
2. Ask students to observe from what aspects a travel diary should be kept.
Ⅲ. Teaching methods:
The direct, situational, communicative and task-based teaching methods are employed in this class.
Ⅳ. Learning methods:
Students are encouraged to adopt the independent and cooperative leaning methods in this class.
Ⅴ. Teaching aids:
The computer, projector, whiteboard, water color pen, board wiper and so on.


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