主题:2016年牛津译林版8A Unit5 Wild animals单元测试卷含答案




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2016年牛津译林版英语8A Unit5 Wild animals单元测试卷含答案
 1. The teacher is making a_______(报告) on animals in the hall.
 2. Zhang Ziyi_______(表演) in the film The Road Home and became famous.
 3. 1'11 be back in a little_______(一会儿). Stay here and wait for me.
 4. He made his_______(生存) by teaching some children to ride.
 5. She just_______(搬迁) here from Tokyo but now she has made a lot of friends.
 6. Smallpox(天花)_______(杀死) thousands of people each year in the past.
 7. Breaking into other people's houses is against the_______(法律).
 8. -The building is on fire! What should we do?
    -We should call 119 _______ away!
 9. -Do you know about cats?
    -Yes. They like sleeping in the _______ and finding food at night.
10. -What should we do when we find ourselves get _______?
    -We can ask the people for help or call 110.
  1. It's time for us_______(take) action now.
  2. We_______(face) great difficulties(困难) but finished the job at last.
  3. Don't talk! The twins_______(prepare) for the coming exam.
  4. This problem is not that easy_______(work) out.
  5. Joy_______(not visit) his grandparents this Sunday, is he?
  6. We must stop_______(catch) animals in the wild.
  7. If I see him at school next Monday, I_______(give) these books to him.
  8. The hunters agreed(not hunt) wild bears any more.
  9. Teachers always tell students_______(not accept) strangers'(陌生人的) food.
 10. Don't keep me_______(wait) for you for a long time every time.


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