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2016年秋季冀教版九年级英语上册Unit5 Look into Science同步练习含答案
36. There is a mistake in the notebook; you should c                 it.
37. We must walk to the village. There is no other m                 of going there.
38. The boss promised to d                 our pay next month, so we can make more money.
39. --- How was your summer vacation?
--- It was f                . I had a good time in Beijing.
40. Her d                 about the wild animals will change people's traditional idea about their behaviors.
41. Hey! Relax! No one will                 (强迫) you to do that if you're not willing to.
42. I bought some candles and m                (火柴) on the way home.
43. Smoking will                 (当然) do harm to your health.
44. Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his                 (孙子).
45. With the                 (发展) of science, our country is becoming stronger and stronger.
46.                                   (一般而言), American families often give a party at home.
47. 当UFO起飞的时候,那个女孩在干什么?
What was the girl doing                                                                                     ?
48. 他回家前为了买那些书籍已用光了所有的钱。
Before he came home, he                  all his money to buy those books.
49. He sleeps                                                   (白天期间), but                                  (在晚上) he gets up and eats leaves.
50. After the whole day's voluntary work, I felt fine                 (除……外) for being a little tired.
51. This word                                                    (和……没关系) the sentence.
52. 太空中有数十亿的行星。
There are                  planets in space.
53. 经常帮助我学英语的那个女孩来自英国。
The girl                                                    me with my English is from England.
54. 那首用二胡演奏的乐曲特别使我感动。
The piece                                   played on the erhu especially moved me.
55. I like a singer                 (自己做曲的). (who)
56. The                 (discover) of this new fuel makes the scientists very excited.
57. Good habits are good for the                 (develop) of us teenagers.
58. Can you give me some                 (suggest)?
59. Many people believe that the number '13' brings bad luck to them, but it is not                 (science) at all.
60. My parents give me a lot of                 (press).


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