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人教版初三 Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 53 教学设计
上传者:   加入日期:06-04-26

Lesson 53 教学设计示例

 Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector, Pictures

 Teaching Objectives:

  1. Learn some dialogues.

  2. Learn some useful expressions.

 Language Focus: be excited, be worn out.

          I don’t think I’ll take it.

 Teaching Procedures:

  I. Show the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check the homework and revise the names of articles of clothing by showing the students pictures or the real thing. Ask:

  What’s this ? What colour is it? What’s it made of?

  III. Leading in

  Get the students to look at the pictures, they are all advertisement of the shoes. There are all kinds of clothing. And say: Today I want to buy a new pair of shoes. Do you know why? Because my shoes are old enough, they are worn out, I can’t wear them to school or any other place. Show an old pair of shoes to the class to help the students to understand the dialogue.

  IV. Presentation

  Say: Now I want to buy some new shoes. I’ll go to the shop. What ideas would you like to give me? Let the students give some good advice. (quality, color, price, style, etc)

  V. Practice

  Get the students to listen to the tape to get the general idea of the dialogue.(Show Lesson53text.exe)

  Then play the cassette for the second time and let the students follow the dialogue. Go through the dialogue. Let them really understand it. In the sentence “You’d better try them on.”

  Ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape. Get them to practise it in pairs without opening the books. Ask some pairs to act it out in class. Then go through the useful expressions in the box at the bottom of the page. Note the position of the negative in “I don’t think I’ll take it.” Finally, make up new dialogues for buying dark blue suits or light green dresses.

  VI. Workbook

  Do Exercise I in class. Practise dialogues.

  Do Exercise 3 orally. And write down the answers.

  VII. Consolidation

  Ask the students to write down one dialogue on a piece of paper, then share with each other.

  VIII. Homework

  Revise the contents of the lesson.

  Make up one dialogue about shopping.


 人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 56教学设计 06-04-26

 人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 55教学设计 06-04-26

 人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 54教学设计 06-04-26


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