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人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 54教学设计
上传者:   加入日期:06-04-26

Lesson 54教学设计方案

 Period: The Second Period

 Content: Lesson 54

 Properties: Computer / Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures, Sounds.

 Teaching Objectives:

  1. Understanding The Past Perfect Tense.

  2. Learn some useful expressions.

 Language Focus: on line, make a decision, so that, click on the screen, places of interest

 Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Get the students to watch a video about shopping and practise the dialogues again and present some dialogues that the sentences written for homework.

  III. Leading in

  Get the students to look at the picture of shopping online and describe it in English. Look the exercise below,

  1. What did Sato Miyoko decide to buy online?

  2. Why didn’t she buy it in a store?

  3. What did her father think of her choice?

  4. What did they do after a form appeared on the screen?

  5. When did she receive what she had ordered?

  Then lead students watch the video / listen the tape of Lesson 54 Shopping online.

  IV. Watch and Listen

  Watch the flash / listen the tape of Lesson 54 Shopping online (which is offered) three times.

  After the first time, answer the questions above, and show the right answers to them:

  1. She decided to buy a camera online.

  2. Because she lives out in the country.

  3. Her father thought that her choice is right.

  4. They filled in the form and typed credit card number, telephone number, address and e-mail address.

  5. A week later she received what she had ordered.

  After the second time, do the listening exercise about text, such as filling the blanks. ( show flash Shopping online )

  After the third time, tell the students to read the text more carefully and check their answers, find the sentences of The Past Perfect Tense appeared in this text. Such as:

  1) She had searched the Internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digital camera.

  2) After she had found more information, she asked her father if she could buy it.

  3) After he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision.


  V. Explain and Practice

  Explain the Language Focus of the text, for example, online, so that, as well, make a decision, etc. The main point is:

  1. shopping online(互联)网上或在线购物

  2. take pictures of this trip在旅游中照相

  3. as 是连词,作“由于,因为”解,引导原因状语从句。

  4. so that意思是“以便,为了 ”,常常引导结果状语从句。“so (such) …that”引导结果状语从句,作“这么……,以至”或“所以”解,so接形容词、副词或分词,而such则接名词。

  5. had searched 是过去完成时。

  6. ad是缩短词,也可写成advertisement。     

  7. as well意思是“亦;也;又;同样”。

  8. different kinds of 不同种类的。

  9. click on the screen  点击屏幕

  10. she had ordered在这里修饰the camera,指她所订购的那台相机。

  * Show the pictures about clothes and some words, such as:

   cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small; he,she,we,they,John,I

  Ask students make sentences with so that.


  The jacket cost so much that he didn't buy it.

  These trousers are so long that I can't wear them.


  VI. Work in pairs

  Look the Chinese translation of text (which is offered in Lesson 54 text.exe ) and think about what the writer could tell us. Divide the students to four parts. Show the topic below, and let them prepare this in groups.

  Simulate you will do shopping online, what should you do and what will be appeared to you? Could you speak out the process in English?

  Sum up the points of shopping online or show the answers to the class. Otherwise finish the exercise Lead you shopping online which is offered.

  VII. Homework

  1. Review the contents of the lesson and retell the story. Pay attention to telling students that the most important thing is the main idea, is not the whole text itself.

  2. Go shopping at spare time, and write a dairy about shopping.


 人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 56教学设计 06-04-26

 人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 55教学设计 06-04-26

 人教版初三 Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 53 教学设计 06-04-26


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