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上传者:   加入日期:06-05-17




AGood eveningMrsBronsonIt's a nice night outisn't it

BOhhelloMrPhillipsYesit isAre you ________1)?

AIn a wayI'm showing MrMurphyheresome of the sights of our cityLet me introduce youMrsBronsonthis is MrMurphy

B________2),MrMurphyI hope you like our city

COhyes________3my staying here very much

BWellI must be going________4),MrMurphy

CAnd I'm glad to have met youMrsBronson

AGoodbyeMrsBronsonSay hello to your husband for me

B________5),MrPhillipsAnd bring MrMurphy by to see us some timewhy don't you


TomLet's go swimmingJane

Jane________1).I hear you are a very good swimmer

TomYesI learned to swim when I was six________2)?

JaneOnce a week in summerSwimming is good exerciseBut ________3).I can only swim about 20 or 30 metresand then I feel I can't breathe

TomYou just need more practice and some instructions

Jane________4).But I can't find the time and a good teacher

Tom________5)?He is just in front of youWhy don't we start our lessons today

JaneOKShall we do some warm-up exercise before jumping into the poolI don't want to pull a muscle(抽筋)in the water

TomI did that onceIt was very painful


AGood morning________1)?

BBuy stampsOhit is at counter 6It's right over there

A________2),I'd like to buy some stampsplease

CIs it for a letter or a postcard


CQuite differentWe use different value stamps for letter and postcard

AThen I want nine stamps for letter

CAre you sending the letter to someone in China or to other countries

AIn China

C________4).Nine sixty-fen stamps

AWould you please give me two air letter covers and five commemorative(纪念的)stampsplease


AThank you________5).


AWhat can I do for youmadam

BI have a terrible coldcan you ________1)?

ADo you have the prescription(药方)?

BNoI'm too busy to see a doctorCould you sell me some medicine

AI'm sorry ________2unless you get a doctor's prescription

BSoI have to see a doctor

Forty minutes later

AThe doctor has given me this prescription

BWellPlease wait a moment________3).That'll be 4 dollarsplease

ACould you please tell me ________4)?

BCertainlyTake two of these three times a day after meals

AThank you for ________5).

BNot at allGoodbye


 情景对话专练3 06-05-17

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 情景对话专练6 06-05-17

 情景对话专练7 06-05-17


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