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您的位置:中考英语 >>中考阅读 >>

上传者:   加入日期:06-05-17




ABut my favourite player is David Beckham

BIt's a pity that they have lost their games

CHow about David Beckham

DWhat have you been doing these days

EI'm glad to play with them

FI'd like to play with my classmates

GHow about the games

HWhat's your favourite team

AMikeit's good to see you hereHow are you

BFinethank youAnd you

AI'm finetooThank you 1

BI have been watching World Cup 2002 soccer games

AOhreally 2 Are they exciting

BYesthey areWhat a wonderful soccer player Ronaldo is

AYou admire himdo you

BYesI do 3

AOhI seeHe is so charming(迷人的)that his challengers don't know whether to kick him or to kiss him 4

BMy favourite team is Argentina(阿根廷).They play it with all their enthusiasm(激情)and dreams and talents(才华),just like their dances on the grass

AHow are the resultsCan Argentina win the championship

B 5 Brazil won the championship

AOhI know you like the gameDo you play it by yourself

BNoI don't 6 I'm a goal-keeper

AThen let's play it this afternoon

BI'll call you at 3 o'clock this afternoonSee you later

ASee you


AHow were you that day

BHow was your day

CHow did you lose it at the supermarket

Dyou really had a bad day

EWhere did you lose it

Fyour day wasn't all that bad

GWhat did you say to her

ASo 1

BTerribleI lost my wallet

AOh no 2

BAt the supermarketI think

A 3

BI think I dropped it when I was buying my sister's birthday present

AWelldid you find your wallet later

BNobut later I met Ellen at the supermarket

A 4

BI told her what happened and she bought me lunch

AWell 5 then


AI'm glad to see you

BHow do you like the city

CI'm sure you'll have a good time

DAre you MrsGreen from Australia

EIs this your first visit to Guilin

FIt's a nice place to visit

GWould you like to visit Guilin

Li FenExcuse me 1

MrsGreenYesand you are...?

Li FenI'm Lin FenYour friend Miss Wu is busy at the momentShe asked me to meet youWelcome to GuilinMrsGreen

MrsGreenThank you

Li FenBy the way 2

MrsGreenNothis is my second timeI came here in 1998 for the first time

Li Fen 3

MrsGreenI like it very muchIt's very beautiful and famous in the worldAnd the people here are quite friendly 4

Li FenI'm glad you like the cityAnd now Guilin is becoming more and more beautiful 5

MrsGreenI think soThank you very much for meeting me

Li FenIt's a pleasure


 情景对话专练4 06-05-17

 情景对话专练5 06-05-17

 情景对话专练6 06-05-17

 情景对话专练7 06-05-17


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