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Lesson42 Welcome to the world of English! 教案
上传者:jinglizhi1[原创]   加入日期:07-09-01

 Lesson42 Welcome to the world of English!
Teaching Material:
Learning English Book 3 Unit6 I Love Learning English . Lesson42 Welcome to the world of English! It’s a new lesson.
Teaching Content:
1.Mastery words and expressions:
exciting,necessary, main/ official language, the United Nations, each other,
all over the world,
2.Oral words and expressions: welcome, Mexico, Spanish, million, , French, still, 3.Useful expressions:
English,Chinese,and French are main languages used at the United Nations.
What do you mean by…?

资料名称: Lesson42 Welcome to the world of English! 教案
文件大小: 7K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版八年级上Unit6
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