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牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl(第二课时)教案
上传者:   加入日期:11-12-05

1.词汇:tall , short , thin ,fat .
2.日常交际用语:I’m …, I’m not …
1.能听懂、会说tall ,short ,thin ,fat .
2.能听懂、会说I’m …/I’m not ….
Step1. Warm –up .
1. Greetings. “Glad to see you .boys and girls .How are you? Let’s sing and dance ,ok?)
2. Sing a song “Colour song”.
3.“头脑风暴.” 上一节课你学会了什么? What do you remember? 鼓励学生大胆用英语发言,教师给予合适的评价和激励My name is … I’m … I’m from…
Step 2 Revision .
1、教师自我介绍:T:My name is … I’m a Chinese woman ,I’m from Huai’an ,I’m ...
T: Can you introduce yourselves?
Step3 Presentation and practice .
1、学习tall ,short .
a. 师生对比。T:I’m tall ,You’re short .
(指着班级里1高1矮学生) T:He/She is tall .He/She is short .
b. 学生跟读单词tall ,short .
c.T:(指着个别学生)Are you tall /short ?
  S: Yes /No ,I’m tall /short .
d.领读:I’m tall/I’m not tall .
            I’m short /I’m not short .
e. 出示人物图片:(Mr Green和Mike ,Helen和Miss Li) 学生根据图中人物的高矮情况练说:……is tall ,……is short .
f. Listen and draw . 听指令画画。 A tall tree . A short tree.  A tall bookcase . A short chair.
2、学习thin ,fat .
a. 出示人物图片。(一胖一瘦的两个人:Gao Shan,YangLing ) T: Gao shan is fat ,Yang Ling is thin .
b. 指着班级一胖一瘦两个学生:×××is fat ,×××is thin .示意学生说:I’m fat ,I’m thin.
c. 学生跟读fat ,thin .
d. 教会学生说:I’m fat /thin.教法同上。
T:The monkey is thin ,The monkey is thin,The monkey is thin ,very thin ,The panda is fat ,……,very fat .
4、指名练说:I’m tall ,I’m thin /I’m short .I’m fat .(同位练习说)
4、找一找,说一说。××is tall .××is short .×× is fat .××is thin .
Step4  Say a rhyme : Green tea. 
Step5  Consolidation .
1. Please introduce yourselves :I’m tall /short /fat /thin .
2. Listen to the tape and imitate .
3. Introduce :( 学生连贯自我介绍)。
My name is … I’m a Chinese boy /girl .I’m from …,I’m ten .I’m (not ) tall/short /fat /thin .
Step6 Homework   自我介绍(下节课,进行随堂检测)
Unit 11   A boy and a girl 
图1          图2                  图3          图4
Tall          short               thin        fat .


 牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl(第四课时)教案 11-12-05

 牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl(第三课时)教案 11-12-05

 牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl(第一课时)教案 11-12-05

 牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl集体备课教案 11-08-30

 牛津3A Unit11周末练习 10-12-28

 牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl.PartB教案 09-12-01

 3A Unit11 PartB课件 09-12-01

 Unit11 a boy and a girl课件(牛津3A) 09-08-05

 牛津小学英语3A第十一单元测试题 08-08-23

 牛津3A Unit11 的课件内附教案 07-10-15


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