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牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl(第三课时)教案
上传者:   加入日期:11-12-05

牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl(第三课时)教案
1.词汇:long ,short ,big ,small .
2.日常交际用语:My hair is long ,My eyes are small .
3.Look and say .
1.能听懂、会说My …is /are
2.能听懂、会说long,short ,big ,small .
3.能看懂C部分图意,会用He’s /She’s …His /Her ….
Step 1 Warm-up 
1. Greetings .
(Good morning /afternoon ,class .Are you happy ? Do you like English ?) 
2. Sing a song “A B C song .”
3. 随堂检测:1)小组长检查上节课的口头作业“自我介绍”.
Step 2 Revision 
1. Listen and act .
T: Touch your eye . Ss: Touch my eye .
T: Touch your hair .Ss : Touch my hair .
T: Touch your ear . Ss: Touch my ear .
T: My hair is short /long .My eyes are big /small . 
2. 游戏:(猜猜我是谁)
游戏方法:一生双眼被蒙住,其余学生捏住鼻子(使声音改变)作介绍。 I’m tall/ short /fat / thin. My hair is …My nose is … My eyes are … who am I ? 眼睛被蒙的学生根据以上信息判断作自我介绍的学生是谁 。
Step3 Presentation .
1.学习long和short .
 a. 教师出示一把长尺子和一把短尺子:T:This ruler is long .That ruler is short .
 b. 学习单词long ,short .注意正音
 c.  T: My hair is long /short .
   Ss: My hair is long/short .
 d.练习:学生举例说明:如My dress is long, my pencil is long ,My rubber is short …
2.学习big和small .
 a. Play a game : What’s in the box ?
 b.This box is big .  That one is small .
   This orange is big .That one is small .
 c. 学生跟读单词big ,small . 并用手空划大小圈,表示big和small.
 d. T: My eyes are big /small .
 Ss: My eyes are big /small . eyes正音[aiz]
e.练习:The bus is big ,The car is small .The tiger is big ,The bird is small …
3. 指名读单词,检查单词掌握情况。
Step 4 Listen to the tape :rhyme “My friends”
跟录音练说歌谣“My friends .”
Step5 Consolidation .
教师出示几张物品的图片(或实物),学生看图说话,The apple is big . The boy is fat …..
2. Look and say .(部分内容)。
1.He is tall .  2.Her pencil is long   3. She is fat .   4.His pencil sharpener is big .
3. Sing a song “Goodbye.”
Unit 11     A boy and a girl .
                My hair is long /short .
                My eyes are big/small .


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 牛津3A Unit11 A boy and a girl.PartB教案 09-12-01

 3A Unit11 PartB课件 09-12-01

 Unit11 a boy and a girl课件(牛津3A) 09-08-05

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