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Module 9 Friendship  单元测试题
. 词汇(10分,每小题1)
A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。
1. Just now my maths teacher e________ that problem to me. I know it now.
2. Tim likes communicating with others, and he has a wide c________ of friends.
3. We got s________ when Sam went to another city five years ago.
4. Could you give me some g________? I want to stick my Chinese books.
5. He’s an old friend of mine. I t________ him.
B) 根据句意从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每个单词限用一次。
pass, treasure, bright, include, treat
6. Sunglasses are useful to people when the sunlight is ________.
7. Sandy is twenty years old but her parents always ________ her as a child.
8. Tom ________ the park and went home last night.
9. The form ________ many things. We can’t finish it in five minutes.
10. The scientists have found ________ at the bottom of the sea.
. 单项选择(15分,每小题1)
(  )11. My brother left the room without ________ word just now.
A. a                             B. an            
C. the                          D. 不填
(  )12. The girl ________ a big smile on her face is my best friend.
A. on                           B. with       
C. for                   D. at
(  )13. Lisa feels sure of ________. She thinks she can feed the birds well.
A. his                    B. hers 
C. himself                    D. herself
(  )14. Yesterday Mr Wang gave me some ________ about learning English well.
A. suggestions            B. changes       
C. prizes                 D. decisions
(  )15. The old woman often feels ________ because her children live far away.
A. sleepy                  B. crazy        
C. nervous                     D. lonely
(  )16. Mark ________ me to an American girl at the party. We became friends soon.
A. accepted                  B. chose         
C. introduced               D. invited
(  )17. Ann refused ________ with her friends because she had to do her homework.
A. play                       B. playing     
C. to play                     D. played
(  )18. Dad is weak after a long illness. The doctor encourages him ________ more sports.
A. doing                       B. done  
C. do                           D. to do
(  )19. Bob regretted ________ that information to Ira. As a result, Bob’s team lost to Ira’s team.
A. offer                      B. offering       
C. to offer                  D. offered
(  )20. Paul asks ________ we will go to the cinema with him or not.
A. that                         B. whether     
C. when                       D. why
(  )21. —Where is Mary?
—She has been away for half an hour. I don’t know ________ she is now.
A. where                      B. who               
C. what                        D. how
(  )22. Our English teacher is very popular with us because she ________ us.
A. is patient with         B. is worried about
C. is proud of             D. is angry with
(  )23. —Have you ________?
—Yes, I have. And he likes it.
A. mention the idea him              B. mention the idea to him
C. mentioned the idea him           D. mentioned the idea to him
(  )24. —I hear that Zhang Jie will come to Tianjin to give a concert. Do you know ________?         
—Next week.
A. when he will come          B. when did he come
C. when will he come          D. when he came
(  )25. —Hello. ________
—Hello. This is Linda speaking.
A. I’m looking for Linda.           B. I’ll call back later.
C. Who’s calling, please?           D. Are you Linda?
. 完形填空(10分,每小题1)
We often see groups of students. We call the groups cliques (小圈子). These students do almost     26   together: having lunch, doing homework, playing sports, and going to the cinema.
We all need friends. They help us with lessons. They help us out when we have some   27  . They listen to us when we complain (抱怨) about something   28  .
However, not everything goes well or is always   29  . If your close friend, Omar, quarrels (争吵) with another friend, Max, what will you do? Omar   30   talking to Max, and that’s not all. He also wants you to stop talking to him,  31  Max and you have been friends for two years. What should you do?
The best   32   is to tell Omar that you do not want to be in the quarrel.   33   him that this quarrel is not between you and Max. Tell him that you want to be friends with   34   of them. If he thinks you are still his good friend, he will  35   your feelings. Then, you should also try to help them talk with each other again!
(  )26. A. nothing        B. everything      C. something             D. anything
(  )27. A. problems       B. results        C. activities            D. chances
(  )28. A. unhappy       B. boring        C. happy               D. interesting
(  )29. A. important      B. terrible        C. strange             D. perfect
(  )30. A. starts           B. forgets      C. remembers          D. stops
(  )31. A. but             B. and              C. if                        D. because
(  )32. A. way            B. time          C. place                D. age
(  )33. A. Ask            B. Tell         C. Send                 D. Expect
(  )34. A. all                   B. both         C. none               D. neither
(  )35. A. hide           B. describe        C. understand         D. show
. 情景交际(10分,每小题2)
A: Excuse me. I’m a reporter from Tianjin TV. (36)________________?
B: Sure.
A: (37)________________?
B: I’m in Grade Eight.
A: (38)________________?
B: I like sending emails to my pen pals in different countries in my spare time.
A: (39)________________?
B: Yes, the emails are in English. I think they can improve my English.
A: That sounds interesting. What are the other advantages?
B: They can also help me learn a lot about my pen pals’ countries and their cultures.
A: Ha ha ... (40)________________.
B: You’re welcome.
. 阅读理解(20分,每小题2)
It was the first day of third grade. Samuel sat in the classroom and he already knew most of the students in his class.
In the back of the classroom was a face that Samuel didn’t know. There sat a boy with dark hair and glasses.
Mr Dale called the students by their names. “Ho Ming?” said Mr Dale. The boy in the back put up his hand.
Ho Ming was from China. His family moved to the United States during the summer. Ho Ming seemed shy.
Samuel tried to talk to Ho Ming, but he only smiled. Finally, Samuel understood the problem. This country was new to Ho Ming. Maybe the language was new to him too.
That night Samuel asked his mum for help. Together they looked up some Chinese words on the Internet. Mum helped Samuel pronounce the words over and over again.
The next morning Samuel went to talk to Ho Ming. Then he stopped. He was afraid he would say something wrong. He was afraid he would sound silly. “This must be how Ho Ming feels,” he thought.
“Hello,” he said, using the Chinese words he learned. “I am your friend.”
Ho Ming looked surprised. He answered Samuel in Chinese. Samuel had no idea what Ho Ming was saying.
“My English is not too good yet,” said Ho Ming.
“Neither is my Chinese,” said Samuel.
“I will teach you,” offered Ho Ming.
“And I will teach you,” said Samuel.
Samuel took a ball out of his bag. “Want to play?” he asked.
Ho Ming only smiled. Sometimes words are not even necessary (必要的).
(  )41. What did Samuel and Ho Ming have in common?
A. They both wore glasses.
B. They were in the same class.
C. They both went to a new school.
D. They were from the same country.
(  )42. What is the main idea of Paragraph 6?
A. Samuel learned Chinese words.
B. Samuel liked studying with his mum.
C. Samuel liked studying on the Internet.
D. Samuel was good at learning languages.
(  )43. According to Paragraph 7, we can know that Samuel felt _____ before talking to Ho Ming.
A. nervous                    B. sad           
C. excited                     D. surprised
(  )44. At the end of this story, Samuel and Ho Ming will probably _____.
A. study together           B. go to the library
C. visit their friends        D. play with the ball
(  )45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Samuel spoke Chinese very well.
B. Ho Ming sat in the back of the classroom.
C. Ho Ming moved to the United States last winter.
D. Samuel learned Chinese words with the help of his teacher.
During summer holiday last year, my family took a long trip. My father wanted to take us to the Watermen’s Museum. When we arrived at the museum, we could hardly wait to see what was inside. My father paid a man for tickets. Then we waited in a big room until our guide came. The guides at the museum were ladies and men dressed up in clothes that people wore long ago.
First, our guide told us that watermen were men and women who worked on fishing boats. The first watermen were American Indians. The American Indians taught the early colonists (殖民地定居者) how to use logs (原木) to make boats. They showed the colonists how to fish in the ocean with big nets.
Boats were everywhere at the museum. Pictures of boats were on every wall. Some were pictures of very old boats. Our guide showed us a real fishing boat called a log canoe (独木舟). It was made of three logs.
At night we saw a boat parade (游行). There was a long line of boats in the water. It was dark outside, but all the boats had lights. Some boats had white lights, and other boats had red or blue lights. The lights were shining in the water. They looked beautiful. I was glad my dad took me to the Watermen’s Museum.
We’re planning to go there again next summer. I can’t wait!
46. What clothes did the guides wear at the museum?
47. Who were the first watermen?
48. What was on every wall at the museum?
49. What did the writer’s family see at night?
50. How did the writer feel about visiting the Watermen’s Museum?
. 完成句子(10分,每小题2)
51. 这部游戏很有趣。你愿意参加吗?             
The game is very interesting. Would you like to ________________?
52. 这个老人安静地坐着。
The old man sat ________________.
53. 每次我遇到她,她都在学习。
________________ I met her, she was studying.
54. 这棵小树一天天地变得强壮。
The little tree gets strong ________________.
55. 你知道她去年住在哪里吗?
Do you know ________________ last year?
long, hand, dream, when, they, look, promise, why, mouth, again, guess, take
A very kind woman had one wish. She wanted to visit both hell and heaven (地狱和天堂) before she died. An angel (天使) (56)________ to make her wish come true.
First the angel (57)________ her to a great dining hall. There were delicious food and drinks on the tables. Many people were sitting around the tables. But the people looked sad and hungry.
“(58)________ are they like this?” she asked the angel.
“Look at their (59)________,” replied the angel.
She looked and found that there were very (60)________ chopsticks in the people’s hands. The chopsticks are so long that they couldn’t use (61)________ to put food into their own (62)________. So they could only look at the food and stay hungry and sad.
“This is really hell! Take me away from here!” she said to the angel.
Then the angel took her to heaven. (63)________ she found herself in a great dining hall and there were also delicious food and drinks on the tables. People there (64)________ happy. They were sitting around the tables, talking and laughing.
“I (65)________ there are no long chopsticks,” she said.
“Oh, yes, there are. Just as the long chopsticks in hell. But look, here people have learnt to feed one another,” said the angel.
. 书面表达(10)
Ⅰ. 1. explained   2. circle       3. separated         4. glue  
5. trust                6. bright        7. treat                 8. passed  
9. includes           10. treasure
Ⅱ. 11-15 ABDAD  16-20 CCDBB  21-25 AADAC
Ⅲ. 26-30 BAADD  31-35 AABBC
Ⅳ. 36. Can / May I ask you some questions
37. Which grade are you in
38. What do you like doing in your spare time
39. Are the emails in English
40. Thank you very much
Ⅴ. 41-45 BAADB
46. They wore clothes that people wore long ago.
47. American Indians.   48. Pictures of boats.  
49. A boat parade.        50. Glad.
Ⅵ. 51. join in             52. in silence   53. Every / Each time
54. day by day            55. where she lived
Ⅶ. 56. promised         57. took       58. Why       59. hands
60. long                     61. them      62. mouths   63. Again  
64. looked                  65. guess
Ⅷ. One possible version:
Li Xia is one of my classmates. She is a lovely girl. One day, it suddenly rained on my way home. I had no umbrella. I had to stay under a big tree. I didn’t know how I could get home. To my surprise, I saw that Li Xia was coming up to me. She held an umbrella. She shared the umbrella with me until I got home. Since then, we have become close friends. We study and play games together.

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