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外研版八年级下册Module9 Friendship单元练习含听力mp3
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初中英语外研版八年级下册Module9 Friendship单元练习含听力mp3
36. --- Can you give me some s                 on learning English?
---Yes. Read English magazines, and...
37. We have to learn many subjects. They i                 Chinese, math, English and so on.
38. Nobody knew what to say and they just sat there in s                .
39. Because of the cold weather, there are more p                 in hospitals.
40. He always tells lies, and I don't t                 him at all.
41. She r                 his invitation to the tea party because she was really busy.
42. Why didn't you hand in your homework? Can you e                 the reason?
43. The old man felt a bit l                 with his wife gone.
44. The panda is our national t                . We must try our best to protect them.
45. My parents often e                 me to try again when I fail to do something.
46. Sam hardly has any good friends because he always                 (拒绝) to help other people.
47. I'm still not clear about it. Could you                 (解释) it to me again?
48. Have you ever heard of the saying '                (沉默) is gold'?
49. These days, there're many p                 in the hospital because of the bad weather.
50. At Halloween, children will play a trick on their neighbours if they don't give them a                 (招待).
51. Parents should learn more about how                 (鼓励) their children.
52. He sometimes makes a helpful                 (建议).
53. Jack will never forget the most                 (孤独) night of his life.
54. Would you like to                 (介绍) yourself to us?
55. Your duties will                 (包括) keeping the house clean and cooking.
56. 听到这坏消息, Robert 默默地跟他的朋友一起走回了家。(词数不限)
When he heard the bad news, Robert walked home together with his friends                 .
57. 时间飞逝,我们的父母一天天地变老。(词数不限)
How time flies! Our parents grow old                 .
58. 他只不过是个小孩子,你应该对他耐心点。
He is just a small child, so you must                                                    him.
59. 你知道她在哪儿找到的这顶帽子吗?(词数不限)
Do you know                 ?
60. 我不确定电脑工程师是否能把文件找回来。
I am not                                   a computer engineer can get the documents back.
61. 当我想学小提琴的时候,父亲告诉我我应该更努力地学习数学。
                 I wanted to learn the violin, my father told me                  I should work harder at maths.

资料名称: 外研版八年级下册Module9 Friendship单元练习含听力mp3
文件大小: 1650K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 外研版八年级下Module9
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