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牛津译林版英语8A Unit4全套教案(共8课时)
上传者:   加入日期:15-07-31

Comic strip
Step1  Presentation
1.1.Have a free talk: There’s something wrong with my computer. I’m going to fix it today. I’m going to do some DIY work. Do you know what DIY stands for?
Write “stand for” on Bb.
2. Ask: When you do DIY work, you do things yourself. Can you do any DIY work?
What can you do?
Step 2 Listening
1. Show the pictures of Hobo and Eddie without r the script, say: Look at these pictures, please. Hobo has some work to do today. Do you think Eddie will help him?
2. Say: Now let’s listen to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo. Please answer some questions after listening.
Play the tape.
(1)   What’s Hobo going to do?
(2)   What should Hobo do first?
(3)   What does Hobo probably need?
Step 3 Activities
1. Say: Now open your books. Let’s repeat  Eddie and Hobo’s dialogue after the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
 2. After reading, T: Well done! Now let’s work in pairs and act out the dialogue. You can add your own ideas.
3. Walk around the classroom and invite several pairs to act out in front of the classroom. T: Ok, some of you will come to the front and act out your dialogue.
Praise students: Good job!/Well done!
Welcome to the unit
Step 1  Presentation
1. T: Hobo has to build his new house on his own. He needs some tools. What tools do you think he needs?
Give some hints: I think he needs a hammer to hit nails with./I think he needs a screwdriver to put all the parts together./…
2. Ask students to turn to page 43, T: Please open your books. Look at the young man in this picture. He loves DIY a lot./He has lots of tools.
Lead the reading and explain the words.
Ask ss to complete Part A.
3. Ask ss to to talk about the use of these tools: Boys and girls, do you know what these tools are used for?
Step 2 Activities
1. T: Millie and Suzy are also talking about DIY. Listen to them and tell me what Suzy is going to do today. Play the tape.
2. Have ss turn to page 43,T: Open your books, please These two teams will read Millie’s part and those two will read Suzy’s part. Then change parts.
3. T: Boys and girls, it’s your turn to talk about some DIY work that you would like to do. You have three minutes. You can use Millie and Suzy’s conversation as a model.
Ss can prepare for three minutes, T walk around the classroom and choose several pairs to act out.
Praise ss that do well: Very good/Great!
Step 3 Homework
1. Read the words ,phrases and sentences fluently.
2. Memorize Comic strip and part B.
3. Preview Reading.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语8A Unit4全套教案(共8课时)
文件大小: 217K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit4
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