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外研版九年级上英语Module2 Public holidays导学案
上传者:   加入日期:15-09-25

外研版九年级上英语Module2 Public holidays导学案
(1).the Ss can read and understand the phrases and sentences:found; flag; vacation; season; fourth; sixth; seventh; eighth; ninth; tenth; twelfth; twentieth; public holiday; since then; have one day off; all kinds of; take a vacation; sometime; as soon as; somewhere nice; the end of ; have a three-day holiday…
(2).the Ss can get information about National Day in different countries by listening and they can discuss different holidays after learning this dialogue.
重点单词和短语:found —— was founded;vacation——take a vacation; somewhere——somewhere nice/interesting; have a three-day holiday
The People’s Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949.
People have celebrated the National Day since then.
We also watch bands play music in public parks.
And my family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

资料名称: 外研版九年级上英语Module2 Public holidays导学案
文件大小: 93K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版九年级上Module2
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