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II. Guess what?用法
Guess what? I just got my first part in a movie.
The singer had never performed in New York before.
Our team performed well in the match yesterday.
She performed a part in the play.
play cards         play chess         play football  
play music       play the guitar      play the piano  
play jokes    play a part    play a role    play games
work (n, v)
I have a lot of work to do.
It is one of William Shakespeare’s works.
She works in a restaurant. 
My son is working as a science teacher.
He is working on a new novel.
The machine won't work.
Your suggestion works well.
I can’t work out the answer to the question.
III.英语释义  Match
perform             some day
in order to           famous
actually              in fact
well known          do/act
one day              so as to
IV. 结构探讨
do 的四种用法
1. 实义do
The old man does an hour of sport every day.
She did her homework at home last night.
2. 助动do
They don't have any tickets for tonight's concert.
How many books does the library have?
3. 替代do
Tom runs much faster than you do.
-Who broke the cup?
-Mimi did.
4. 语气do
Do be careful.
He did come.

资料名称: 冀教版九年级英语上册第六单元Lesson35课件+教学设计
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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit6
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