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(1) 复习并进一步学习有关职业的单词。
(2) 能够用英语描述自己未来的职业,并说出理由。
(1) would在本课的用法。
(2) 描述自己未来的职业,并阐述理由
l  语言知识:
(1)掌握词汇:crop, manager, business, company, goal
(2)短语及句型:I hope to be a/an.../Maybe I would be a/an...
l  语言技能:通过本课的学习掌握各种职业词汇,并能够用英语谈论未来想做的职业及其理由。
l  情感态度:通过小组活动与评价,培养学生的合作意识。
l  学习策略:贯穿课堂教学始终的自我评价和小组评价,有利于培养学生的调控策略,形成自主学习能力。
Step1.Class opening
Show some pictures about jobs, ask the students to talk about them freely. And at the same time, teach the students some new words.
Step2. Listening 
Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.
The boy’s name is Lucus. He hopes to be a_________ .Maybe he will be a manager or even be a ________. But his biggest goal is to be_________. Rich or _______? It doesn’t ________!
Step 3. Fast reading    
Read the passage quickly and write “true ”or “false”.
1.Lucas’ parents are farmers. (        )
2.Lucas is sure to become a teacher.(       )
3.Alan and Lucas are in the same school but in different classes.(      )
4.Alan and his sister are going to be doctors.(       )
Step4 .Read carefully
Read the passage quickly with some questions. Then check the answers together.
1.Why does he want to be a farmer?
2.What would he do if he is a manager?
3.What would he do if he is a teacher?
4.What is our biggest goal?
Step 5 .Work in groups
Work in groups ,and talk about the jobs in the future, then write it down.
1.what’s your name?
2.What do you want to be in the future? And why?
3. What would you do if you were a/an…?
4. What is your biggest goal?
5. What makes you happy?
Step 6 Finish this lesson with a song “What will I be ?”
Step 7 Homework
Write a short passage about “My future.”

资料名称: 冀教版八年级英语上册第五单元Lesson28课件+教案
文件大小: 706K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版八年级上Unit5
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