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ll .词汇。(1 0分)
A.根据句子意思及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,完成下列单词。( 5)
46. To be a scientist is my d_____      __.
47. F               the doctor's advice, and you will get better soon.
48. — Would you m_____      __ teaching me English?     —Not at all.
49.That baby has only three                 (牙齿) . He can't eat that apple.
50. Tan Jiexi's song 'Run, Run. Run' is very                   (流行的)among young people.
ill       health        exercise       run        play
51. Liu Xiang is one of the best                in the world.
52. You'd better not               on the street. It's dangerous.
53. We should do exercise to keep ____        .  .
54. Smoking can bring us many kinds of ____         ___.
55. He spends two hours ____             in the gym every day.
56. 我们每天至少要睡8个小时.  We sleep ___ ____  _____       8 hours every day.
57. 他将要参加这场足球比赛。 He will             __    _ _           the football game.
58.她病了,不想吃任何东西.  She was ill and didn't                   ___ ___  ___  anything.
59. 我们最好远离拥挤的人群。 We _____  __              keep away from the crowded people.
60. 王俊凯英语学得很好。  Wang Junkai _________ __________  _________  English.

资料名称: 2015—2016年海口市八年级上英语期中检测题(二)含答案
文件大小: 250K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版八年级上半期试题
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