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英 语 听 力 材 料
    1. You shouldn’t read in the sun.
2. I prefer rowing to swimming.
3. Let’s make it a quarter past four.
4. Jim wants to be a baskeball player when he grows up.
5. Michael had a stomachache two days ago.
W: Tom, what are you going to do this Sunday?
M: Nothing much. Why?
W: What about going boating on Sunday morning?
M: Great, let’s meet at the gate of the park.
W: Can I help you?
M: Yes, please. Could you please give me four pencils, please?
W: OK. Here you are.
M: Thanks. How much are they?
W: Five yuan each.
M: Is Linda there, please?
W: No, she isn’t at home. Who is that?
M: This is Jane’s brother.
W: Oh, can you please tell her to come to my home tomorrow evening? I’ll have a party at home.
M: OK. I’ll tell her when she comes back.
W: Hello! My brother and I would like to join the swimming club.
M: Can you swim?
W: Yes, of course. Both of us can swim well.
M: How old is your brother?
W: He’s nine and I'm 13.
M: Sorry, your brother is too young, he can’t join the club.
 听第五段对话,回答第11、12 小题:
M: Mom, Kate is coming to supper tonight.
W: Really? What food does she like?
M: She often eats chicken at home.
W: Oh, no. Let’s give her some Chinese food.
M: Something Chinese? Dumplings?
W: Good idea!
听第六段对话,回答第13–15 小题:
W: Good morning, doctor.
M: Good morning, Miss Jones. How are you today?
W: I’m not feeling very well. I’ve got a bad cold. I can’t do any work at all.
M: How long have you been like this?
W: Two days.
M: Have you got a fever?
W: No, but I’ve got a headache.
M: I see. Well, there is nothing serious. I will give you some pills. Take two pills, three times a day. And you’ll get well soon.
W: Hello! Sandy!
M: Hello! Peter!
W: May I ask you some questions?
M: Sure.
W: What shall we do to fight the flu?
M: We should eat healthy food and do more exercise.
W: Do you drink milk often?
M: Yes, I think it is good for my health.
W: How often do you drink it?
M: Every day. I have some bread, eggs and a glass of milk for breakfast.
W: Do you have too much meat and chicken?
M: No, seldom. They are bad for my health.
W: How often do you have it?
M: On weekends. Mom often makes noodles for me. It’s my favorite food.
W: What about fruit?
M: I like fruit, too. I usually have some oranges after lunch.

资料名称: 南安市柳城片区2015年仁爱版八年级上英语期中试卷含答案
文件大小: 1296K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版八年级上半期试题
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