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第四部分 非选择题(共四节, 满分45分)
第一节    根据句意及所给提示完成句子。(共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)
61. The t       number of the students in our class is 50.
62. Lin Tao gets 100 p       in the test(测试) again. How clever he is!
63. —Can I help you, sir? —Yes. Can I have a look at your m        first?
64. My little brother likes       (点)ice cream in KFC.
65. My mother often spends a       (整个的)day doing the cleaning at the weekend.
第二节    根据中文, 完成句子, 每空一词。(共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)
66. 做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。
Doing eye exercises_______ _______ _______ your eyes.
67. 他周末看两个多小时的电视。
He watches TV______ _______ _______ two hours at the weekend.
68. 一顿好的早餐给我提供上午学习的能量。
A good breakfast gives me_______ _______ _______ in the morning.
69. 这将帮助我们很好地开启一天。
This will help us_______ _______ _______ _______.
70. 我们每天需要吃许多蔬菜来保持健康
We_______ _______ eat a lot of vegetables_______ _______ _______.
第三节    句型转换(共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)
71. He sometimes goes to eat western food. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ does he go to eat western food?
72. There is a bottle of juice on the table.(改成复数)
There are_______ _______ of _______ on the table.
73. My father often sleeps 7 hours every night. (改为同义句)
My father often sleeps_______ _______ 8 hours every night.
74. You must read English in the morning every day. (改为同义句)
You_______ _______ read English in the morning every day.
75. How much TV do you watch every day? (改为同义句)
  _______ _______ do you watch TV every day?

资料名称: 牛津版七年级英语上册Unit6同步测试题含答案(2份)
文件大小: 343K
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版本年级: 牛津7AUnit6
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