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上传者:   加入日期:16-04-11

(   )22. Kate is an English teacher and ________ is very popular in our school.
A. she                    B. her                   C. it                      D. its
(   )23. My school is quite far from my home, so I have to get up at 6 ________ the morning everyday.
A. to                    B. at                   C. on                 D. in
(   )24. —________ will you go to clean up the city park?
—Tomorrow afternoon.         
A. What               B. When           C. Where           D. How
(   )25. —Must I finish the composition in class, Mr Wang ?
—No, you ________. You can finish it at home.
A. mustn’t               B. needn’t         C. shouldn’t             D. can’t
(   )26. The Science Museum is free, you can stay as________ as you like.
A. long               B. longer           C. longest          D. the longest
(   )27. I knocked on the door but ________ answered.
A. somebody         B. nobody             C. anybody          D. everybody
(   )28.  The show is starting. The teacher is telling the children ________ quietly.
A. sat down             B. sit down           C. sitting down      D. to sit down

资料名称: 北京市海淀区2016年八年级下期中复习试卷(单选练习)
文件大小: 73K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下期中复习
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