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上传者:   加入日期:16-04-11

1. W: What about playing football after class?
M: That’s a good idea.
2. W: Would you like some chicken?
M: Oh yes, I like chicken very much.
3. W: Is there a computer in the room?
M: No, there isn’t.
4. W: Where did you go yesterday?
M: I went to the Great Wall.
5. W: Tom, we’re going to watch basketball tonight. Can you go with us? 
M: Not tonight. I’m going to visit my grandparents.
W: Aren’t they in Chicago? 
M: No, they are in New York.
W: How long will you stay there?
M: Four days.
W: Oh, that’s nice.
6. W: Can I help you, sir?
M: Yes, I am looking for a skirt for my daughter.
W: What about this one?
M: It looks nice. How much is it?
W: $ 45, sir.
M: Oh, it’s too expensive.
W: What about this one? It’s on sale. It’s only $ 13.
M: OK. I’ll take this one.
W: Which color does your daughter like?
M: Blue.
W: And the size?
M: Size 7, please.
7. W: Good afternoon. May I sit here? 
M: Of course. Please.
W: I am Jane Smith.
M: I’m Ben Learner.
W: Are you going to London? 
M: Yes, I am. I have some work there.
W: What do you do? 
M: I’m a reporter.
W: Very nice.
M: What do you do? 
W: I’m a doctor, a children’s doctor.
M: Wonderful! Are you going to London?
W: No, I’m going to New York.
M: Do you have work there? 
W: No, I don't. I am on vacation.

资料名称: 北京市海淀区2016年八年级下期中复习试卷(第三次听力mp3)
文件大小: 7823K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 新目标八年级下期中复习
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