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(济宁2015)16. — Did you have a good time in Jining?— Come and have a look. My photos will show you _____  .
A.   how was the trip   B. why did we go there   C. how we went there  D. what the trip was like
(临沂2015)17. The police wondered_____.
A. whose handbag it is    B. whose handbag it was        C. whose handbag is it   D. whose handbag was it
(青岛2015)18.I wonder ______________________.   
A. how will you celebrate Thanksgiving                B. that the Water Festival is really fun.                
C. what do people eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival     D. whether you will make resolution on New Year’s Day

资料名称: 2016届日照市中考英语二轮复习试卷---完型填空、阅读填空
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