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五.单词拼写. (共10小题,计10分)
61. Although the gifts they bought are not very expensive, the i_______ for parents’ love are the same.
62. I can’t remember e______ what she said, but I’m sure about what she meant.
63. No w______ you were late---you ate your breakfast so slowly.
64.---Two tickets for Beijing, please.
  --- I’m sorry there are no tickets a________now.
65. Boys and girls, take a break, help y_______ to some bananas.
66. Qi Jiguang and Lin Zexu were our national __________(英雄). They are remembered by us for ever.
67. We are often _________(鼓励) to speak out in classes.
68. Don’t make a promise easily, once you make it, you must _______(实现) it .
69. _______ (安全) must come first when we take a trip.
70. By working together, they find friendship and ______(温暖).

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