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牛津上海版七年级上Unit8 Growing healthy教学设计
上传者:   加入日期:16-08-13

牛津上海版七年级上Unit8 Growing healthy, growing strong教学设计
Students are expected to
1. know some information about potatoes and socks.
2. learn how to use sound+adj, make sth+adj correctly.
3. know about three expressions about potatoes.
My students are poor at English, so I didn’t design too many complicated activities. They are suitable for my students. I focus on the basic knowledge of the text book. I also pay attention to the students in different levels. Every student can learn something from the period, and they can learn happily in this class.
1. Understanding the main idea of three passages.
2. Using sound+adj, make sth+adj correctly.
3. learning some related expressions about potatoes.

资料名称: 牛津上海版七年级上Unit8 Growing healthy教学设计
文件大小: 29K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津上海版七年级上Unit8
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 牛津上海版英语七年级上Unit8教案 15-12-26


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