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译林牛津英语7A Unit6 Reading1教学设计
上传者:   加入日期:16-08-19

译林牛津英语7A Unit6 Reading1教学设计
Step1 lead-in   
1.Show the students many pictures of different kinds of food, then ask them to tell the names.
2.Free talk
Teacher talk to students about their diet and lifestyle freely and ask some questions.
a.What can you eat if you feel hungry?
b.What do you often eat for breakfast/lunch/supper everyday?
c.Do you know how to eat healthily?
d.Do you like sugar? Eating too much sugar is bad for our teeth, do you know?
e.If you are not strong or healthy enough, what do you plan to do ?
  Through asking these question, teach some new words:
  feel hungry   be good/bad for   tooth   teeth
Ask several pairs to make up a dialogue about their diet..
3. Ask students to complete part B1 about new words. Match new words with their meanings.
4. Teacher summarize the result of the discussion and lead in the text.

资料名称: 译林牛津英语7A Unit6 Reading1教学设计
文件大小: 37K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit6
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