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牛津译林版英语8A Unit4单元测试卷(D)含答案
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牛津译林版英语8A Unit4单元测试卷(D)含答案
1. Put a_______(罩) on the chair before the cat sits on it.
2. We need two more soup_______(调羹) here, please.
3. Don't_______ (使处于某种状态) her waiting outside. It's going to rain soon.
4. What a beautifully_______(完成的) suit! Is it by your sister? .
5. The_______(油漆) is still wet. Don't sit on the bench, please.
6. We eat too much_______(已经). We can't eat any more.
7. After_______(混合) the two kinds of juice, I got the drink I wanted.
8. -Millie is very_______ in class now. She likes to ask questions.
  -Yes. But last year she never said anything in class.
9. -Who_______ the road in front of our house?
   -The policemen did. They said bad road condition(状况) may bring problems.
10. -Would you tell me what the_______ 'Time tries all' wants to tell us?
   -Oh, it is an old saying. It means time will tell you everything.
1. Please_______ (fill) this glass for me, Tom. .
2. Grandpa taught himself French without_______ (attend) school when he was young.
3. You'd better_______ (not add) too much sugar to the dish or it will be too sweet.
4. Mrs Green with her two daughters always_______ (try) different kinds of food.
5. Children's Day, the holiday all of them were looking forward to, _______ (come) at last.
6. What fun they had_______ (play) football outside just now!
7. ---When_______ your sister_______ (complete) college? -Next Year.
8. Listen carefully! The police_______ (advise) how to keep safe(安全) during the rainy days.
9. How kind you are! You always do what you can_______ (help) me.
10. -Who do you think_______ (tidy) the bedroom up for you? -I think Mary did.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语8A Unit4单元测试卷(D)含答案
文件大小: 276K
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版本年级: 牛津8AUnit4
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