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1.I didn’t sleep once during the entire         (过程)of the journey .
2.Do you know the          (确切)meaning of the word?
3.I’m sorry to know that he got          (可怕)hurt in the traffic accident.
4.It’s painful for him to remember such long           (句子)in just two minutes.
5.Jichang Park is a good          (典范)of Chinese traditional parks.
6.The writer died suddenly,leaving that book          (finish).All his fans are very sorry for that.
7.It’s          (certain)that the problem of air pollution can be solved.We still work on it to find a way out.
8.Some animals behave          (active)during the daytime.They get out in the evening.
9.Can you buy some          (decorate)in the gift shop on your way back home.
10.I think it         (interest)to go boating today.It’s just too cold.
1.Finally he gave up          (make)the model plan since he didn’t have enough tools.
2.Suzy advised Andrew          (not check )the answers with others.
3.You had better          (not mix)all the colors together.It will be terrible.
4.         (enjoy)the fresh air and the splendid sights of  nature seemed to cheer the man up.
5.---What          he          (put)up at the moment?
 ---A poster.
6.He wrote the address on the envelop and          (stick )a stamp on it.
7.Never          (be)afraid of speaking in public.You are no longer a small boy.
8.It’s better to tell your parents and teachers the truth than         (hide)the mistake.
9.If it          (not rain )tomorrow,,we will go on a school trip.
He lost his key.It made him          (stay)in the cold to wait for his wife’s return.

资料名称: 江苏省无锡市2015-2016学年八年级上Unit4单元测试含答案
文件大小: 27K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit4
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