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牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit4 do it yourself 单元提优检测卷含答案
38. We often use         (剪刀)in the art lesson to cut paper.
39. It's         (不礼貌的)to speak to the old people loudly.
40. Will you         (出席)the~吨the day after tomorrow?
41. Who can make a         (句子)with the word 'instead'?
42. The workers spent a long time         (修理)the car after the accident.
43. In the past, it was         (possible) for people to travel from Nanjing to Hangzhou by train in an hour.
44. Some animals are         (active) during the daytime and they like to go out at night.
45. The old man wants to understand         (enact) how the computer works.
46. I can't give you any         (advise) on how to work out the problem.
47. My face turned red when my mother told me how         (tidy) my room was.
48. We         (stick) spring couplets(春联)on the door just now to welcome the New Year.
49. Mrs Green with her two daughters always         (try )different kinds of food.
50. What fun they had         (play) football outside just now!
51. Our teachers often advise us         (practice) more after class.
52. You'd better         (not add) too much sugar to the dish or it will be too sweet.

资料名称: 牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit4单元提优检测卷含答案
文件大小: 468K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit4
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