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上传者:   加入日期:17-03-27

Teaching goals:
1) Enable Ss to write using the target language.
2) Enable Ss to use the target language to communicate about themselves.
2. Ability: Enable Ss to describe a person around them.
3. Culture: Know about the difference about describing persons in China and western countries.
Teaching and learning steps:
Step 1 Preview    
Put them into English orally, then write them down.
1. curly blonde hair     ________________   
2. short straight hair   ________________    
3. medium height     _______________       
4. a little bit          ___________________      
5. good-looking______________________    

资料名称: 人教版七年级下Unit9(第六课时)课件+教案
文件大小: 911K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 新目标七年级下Unit9
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 人教版英语七年级下Unit9 Section A(第2课时)练习含答案 17-05-27

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 人教版七年级英语下册Unit9 Section B同步练习含答案 17-05-14

 人教版七年级下Unit9 Section B 2a—2c课件(共20张PPT) 17-05-12

 人教版七年级下Unit9(第五课时)课件+教案 17-03-27

 人教版七年级下Unit9(第四课时)课件+教案 17-03-27


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