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外研版英语七年级下Module3 Unit1同步练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-04-02

外研(新标准)版英语七年级下Module3 Unit1 what are you going to do at the weekend同步练习含答案
A 当堂检测
1.--What e       do you want to eat?
   --No,thank you.I’m full(饱的).
2.--Who is at home?
   --N        .All of them go out.
3.There is n        in the bag.It’s empty.
4.They will arrive in Beijing a        7 pm.
1.How          (愚蠢的)the old man is !
2.He is very happy because he gets a          (极好的)job.
3.I’m going to take the kids for a           (野餐) in the park after school.
4.He always helps his mother with the          (家务劳动).

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版本年级: 外研版七年级下Module3
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