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外研版英语七年级下Module3 Unit2同步练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-04-02

外研(新标准)版英语七年级下册module3 unit2 we’re going to cheer the players.同步练习含答案
A 当堂检测
1.Han Geng is a famous singer,and he has a lot of f          
2.Don’t worry,I can finish the work by m          
3.The old man sometimes goes there to c          litter.
4.February is the s          month of the year.
5.It is good f          to play with my best friends.
6.I’d like to go to Beijing d          the winter holiday.
1.There are a lot of          (帐篷)on the grass.
2.We are going to          (为……喝彩)him in the playground.
3.Li Na is a very famous tennis          (运动员).
4.Our city is famous for its           (海滩).We can enjoy the sun on them.
5.They are going to stay with an          (澳大利亚的)family.
6.Some students in our class are from the          (乡下).
7.The five boys attended a birthday party last Sunday and they enjoyed_____(他们)very much.
8.His sister’s birthday is in           .(5月).
9.Lily          (步行)to school every day.

资料名称: 外研版英语七年级下Module3 Unit2同步练习含答案
文件大小: 57K
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版本年级: 外研版七年级下Module3
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