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上传者:   加入日期:17-10-16

1. He was reading his book when I_________ (go) to visit them.
2. This medicine is to be__________ (take) four times a day.
3. The little girl doesn’t know the_______ (valuable) of fresh air and sunlight.
4. Where he went, he was_________ (kind) received.
5. The more you practice, the____________ (easy) it becomes.
6. Thanks for your___________ (value) suggestions.
7. Thank you very much for your___________ (invite).
8. The time is too short. It’s____________ (possible) for David to catch the train.
9. When sleeping, Steven always keeps the window____________ (close) .
10. Chinese is also one of the most important______________ (language) in the world.
11. Our teachers often encourage us__________ (study) hard.
12. Hundreds of______________ (listen) are attracted by his speech.
13. Lucy came here for the first time, so he had difficulty_____  (find) the museum.
14. He never left__________ (today) work for tomorrow.
15. After several days of rescue , these doctors become tired and__________ (sleep).

资料名称: 九年级上英语每周一练(12)含答案
文件大小: 43K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上周末练习
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 九年级上英语每周一练(17) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(16) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(15) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(14) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(13) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(11) 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(10) 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(9)含答案 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(8)含答案 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(7)含答案 17-10-16


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