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上传者:   加入日期:17-10-17

1. Would you mind       (turn) down the music? The baby is sleeping.
2. China is one of the countries with the        (long) history.
3. The        (act) of the movie To Young Ages celebrated their success in Beijing.
4. We should try our best to help him. Anyway, he is a classmate of        (we).
5. Helen is going to talk with you as soon as she        (finish) her work.
6. He Jiong became famous as a host in China in his        (20).
7. She wants to know if there        (be) a flower show next week.
8. Mum made her child        (wash) his hands before eating.
9. I felt        (relax) lying in the sun. What a good time!
10. Nick went home quite late and his mother looked at him        (happy).
11. If you don’t tell me what the problem is, I can’t        (help) you.
12. Miss Li is a kind teacher and she always talks to us           (gentle).

资料名称: 九年级上英语每周一练(14)
文件大小: 55K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上周末练习
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 九年级上英语每周一练(17) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(16) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(15) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(13) 17-10-17

 九年级上英语每周一练(12)含答案 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(11) 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(10) 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(9)含答案 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(8)含答案 17-10-16

 九年级上英语每周一练(7)含答案 17-10-16


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