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1.The T-shirt is made of cotton.
2.There is a strong wind blowing.
3.We often use a pot for cooking.
4.It's her first time to take part in the high jump.
5.Would you please not put your bike here?
B. 情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最恰当的答语。(每小题读两遍)
6. How are you?
7. Excuse me, what's this in English?
8. Where do they come from?
9. What kind of drink would you like?
10. Could you help me with my Chinese?
11. What shape is your present?
12. Would you mind if I learn to make kites from you?
13. I'm flying to Disneyland tomorrow.
14. W: Hello, Tom. Your jacket is so cool!
   M: Thank you! My aunt bought it for me when she was in Shanghai last month.
15. W: Did you go to the supermarket by taxi?
   M: No, that was too expensive. I took the subway there.
16. W: The weather report says it's going to be rainy this Friday.
   M: Really? Then we have to change our plan. Lets play chess instead of volleyball.
   W: That's a good idea.
17. W: Do you have any hobbies?
M: Yes, I like making model planes very much and I spent most of my spare time on it. I also like watching TV. What about you?
   W: Oh, I prefer to collect stamps.
18. W: Is there anything wrong with me?
M: Nothing serious. But you should take some medicine. Here, take these pills. Three pills each time, twice a day.
   W: Thank you, doctor.
19. W: When will the concert start?
   M: It's eight o'clock now. It will start in ten minutes.
W: What's the matter, Bob?
M: Mum, I'm not happy with Mike.
W: Why? Isn't he your best friend?
M: Yeah. But he is always the same as me.
W: Oh?
M: I like blue and he does, too. I like wearing white sweaters, and he also wears white sweaters.
W: Isn't that interesting?
M: No, I think friends should be different.
W: Well, if you don't like that, try to tell him about it.
M: All right.
W: What can I do for you, sir?
M: Do you still remember that I bought this scarf three days ago?
W: Yes, I do. What's up?
M: Well, I'm afraid I'll have to return it.
W: Could you tell me if there's anything wrong with it?
M: My wife found there was a hole when I showed her this scarf yesterday.
W: Oh, sorry. But would you mind changing it for another one?
M: Of course not. Do you have another one which has the same style?
W: Sorry, the scarf in the same style had been sold out by this morning.
M: What a pity! But I don't want any other style. I just would like to return it.
W: OK. Then please wait a minute.
M: Hello!
W: Uncle Wang! This is Li Mei.
M: What's up, Li Mei?
W: We're going to have a food festival to raise money for the poor families in our community. May I invite you to come?
M: What a surprise! I'd love to. When and where?
W: In our school dining hall on June 30th. It's Saturday.
M: What kinds of food will you prepare?
W: All kinds of local snacks, such as Zhangzhou noodles, spring rolls, dumplings, meat pies, roast chicken and so on.
M: Great! What time shall I get there?
W: It starts at 10∶00 am. and ends at 2∶00 pm.
M: I'll get there before 11∶00.
W: OK. For more information, please call us at 29873215. Goodbye!
M: Byebye!


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