主题:仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section C随堂练习含答案




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仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section C随堂练习含答案
1. —Do you know emergency (紧急) telephone numbers?
—Yes. For example, ____ fire, we can call 119.
A. because of            B. because                 C. in case of              D. if
2. —Michael, how is the game going?
—Oh, nothing can be better, ____, we win the game.
—Well done.
A. at first                   B. in the center          C. in a word              D. in the future
3. —____. There’s an old man ahead. You shouldn’t play soccer here.
—Oh, sorry. I won’t do it next time.
A. Look after            B. Look up                 C. Look the same      D. Look out
4. —Don’t worry, Helen. If you have any problems, you can ____ me ____.
—OK. Thank you.
A. give...a hand         B. call...for help               C. help...out              D. ask...deal with
5. —A friend in need is a friend indeed (真正的).
—Yes. A best friend will ____ sadness and happiness ____ you.
A. share...with           B. cover...with           C. agree...with           D. learn…with


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