主题:牛津译林版英语7A Unit3单元综合测验试卷含听力mp3




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牛津译林版英语7A Unit3单元综合测验试卷含听力mp3
A 根据中文提示,写出相应单词。
51 This is my            (自己的)car, I like it very much.
52 Tigers have sharp           (牙齿).
53 The boy wears a special           (面具)at Halloween.
54 What 's the          (日期)of your birthday?
55 They may be afraid of you. Don’t_________(叫喊) at the boys.
B 写出下列词语的适当形式。
56 I like              (eat) mooncakes.  
57 The teaching is telling an             (interest)story to the children.
58 Let’s _______________(celebrate) Thanksgiving Day .
59 September 10th is                  (teacher)Day.
60 It is my             (one) time to go to Hong Kong.
B 写出下列词语的适当形式。
61 There is some money in the red packet.(改成一般疑问句)
                                Money in the red packet?
62 I have some cadies in my bag.(改成否定句)
  I                               candies in my bag.
63 There are 500 students in the playground.(对划线部分提问)
                        Students are there in the playground?
64 These lanterns are mine. (对划线部分提问)
             Lanterns are these?
65 I live in Beijing.(对画线部分提问)
           do you live?
66 不要敲门了,没人在家。
  Don't                      the door,nobody is at home.
67 让我们做小桔灯吧!
  Let's           a little lantern                     an orange.
68 我叔叔给了我一些糖果作为招待。
  My uncle gives me some candies           a treat.
69 许多西方人用许多方式庆祝万圣节。
  People in the            celebrate Halloween          many ways.
70 阳光透过窗子照进教室。
  The sun                       the windows into the classroom.


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