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上传者:   加入日期:06-09-05

一、 回答问题
1  A. Yes. I want.  
B. Thank you, I’d like to
C. Yes. Please
2 A. Thank you. It’s quiet beautiful, isn’t it ?
B. It’s not beautiful at all     
C. I don’t think so.
3 A. You’re welcome. 
B. Thank you very much.  
C. It’s very kind of you.
4 A. No, no. It’s very poor.  
B. Thank you . Many people say I speak English just like an Englishman.
C. It’s kind of you to say so, but I still have a lot of trouble in it.
5 A. They have been to China.  
B. They have gone to China.
C. They’ll go back to England.
6 A. I wrote three letters yesterday.
B. I saw as American film yesterday evening.
C. I was reading a story-book.
二、 对话理解
1.  A. Outside the Children’s House  B. on a bus    C. at a bus stop
2.  A. Yes, very early.      B . No, not very early  
C. Yes, very early except Saturday and Sunday
3. A. She wants to fly to Shanghai    B. She wants to buy air tickets.
C. she wants to go to Shanghai by train.
4. A. Kate   B. Lucy   C. Lily
5. A. In 1992   B. In 1991    C. In 1994
6. A. to the zoo   B. to the post office   C. to the park
7. A. Go out to dinner   B. Write a report   C. Go for a trip
8. A. She wants the man to go by himself.
B. The policeman maybe knows the way.
C. The man should ask the policeman to go.
三、 短文理解
1.  What is Mrs. Smith’s telephone number ?
A. 54688     B. 51688      C. 5688     
2. What trouble does Mrs. Smith have?
A. There was something wrong with her telephone
B. She often got a wrong call
C. She had to go to the cinema with her husband at night
3. Who called Mrs. Smith one evening?
A. A young girl B. A tired woman   C. a tired man
4. How did Mrs. Smith feel when she heard the strange call ?
A. She was angry.  B. She was in a puzzle.  C. She was worried   
5. What would possible happen to the man after the call ?
A. He felt surprised.      B. He had a good rest. 
C. He went to the cinema with his wife at once.
一、 回答问题
1. Would you like to come for dinner this evening?  ( B )
2. How beautiful the picture is!   ( A )
3. I hope you’ll have a good trip!  ( B )
4. You speak English very well.  ( C )
5. Where have they gone?  ( B )
6. What were you doing this time yesterday?  ( C )

二、 对话理解
1. W: Jim, does the bus go to the children’s House?
M: Yes. Let’s get on.
Q: Where are they talking?  ( C )

2. W: What time do you usually get up? Do you get up early?
M: before six o’clock. I get up very early but only on weekdays.
Q: Does the man get up early very day?  ( C )

3. M: What can I do for you?
W: I’d like to two tickets to Shanghai. Do you have any planesti Shanghai tomorrow?
Q: What does the woman want to do?  ( B )

4. W: They say Lucy runs very fast.
M: I don’t think so. I think Lily runs faster.
W: You’re right. But she doesn’t run as fast as Kate.
Q: Who runs faster, Lily or Kate?  ( A )

5. W: I was born in July,1992. What about you, Jim?
       M: Oh, I’m one year older than you.
Q: When was Jim born?   ( B )

6. W: I’ve lost my way. My friend is waiting for me in the park. Can you  help me?
M: Yes, look at the map. Go along this road and take the second turning on the left. You will find it on your right.
Q: Where is the woman going?  ( C )

7. W: Are you going to have dinner with us later?
M: I’d like to, but I have to finish my report on my trip first.
Q: What’s the man going to do first?  ( B )

8. M: Kate, do you know how to get to the Sports Park from    here?
W: Why not ask that policeman?
Q: What does Kate mean?  ( B )
三、 短文理解
Mrs Smith’s telephone number is 51688. It is a lucky number. But it has brought the Smiths much trouble. There is a cinema next to their house. The number of the cinema is 54688. People often make a mistake when they want to call the cinema and they call her.
  One evening the telephone rang and Mrs Smith answered it. A tired man said, “At what time does the last film begin?” “I’m sorry.” said Mrs Smith, “but you mistake the number. This is not the cinema.” “ Oh, it began half an hour ago?” said the man,” I’m sorry to hear it. Good-bye.”
  Mrs Smith was puzzled, so she told her husband about it. Her husband laughed and said, “It’s clear that the man’s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he did that. His wife heard him, but didn’t hear you. Now they can stay at home and the husband can have a good rest.”
1. What is Mrs. Smith’s telephone number ?  ( B )
2. What trouble does Mrs. Smith have?   ( B )
3. Who called Mrs. Smith one evening?  ( C )
4. How did Mrs. Smith feel when she heard the strange call ? ( B )
5. What would possible happen to the man after the call ? ( B )


 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料四 06-09-05

 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料三 06-09-05

 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料二 06-09-05


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