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上传者:   加入日期:06-09-05

一、 回答问题
1. A. sorry, I don’t have one. 
B. OK. Thanks a lot.  
C. Certainly, but I don’t have one.
2. A. Yes, it is.  
B. Certainly   
C. OK, thanks.
3. A. Yes, he works on a farm
B. No, he has been there one year.
C. Nearly one year, I think.
4. A. yes, you are right.  
B. No, I don’t want to go to walk. 
C. good idea.
5. A. Yes, I am Mr. Green  
B. This is Mr. Green speaking. 
C. Yes, Mr. Green is me.
6. A. Ever since two days ago.  
B for two days ago.  
C. two days ago
二、 情景对话
  1.   A. 24 years old   B. 28 years old   C. 26 years old
  2.   A. She wants the man to see a film with her.
B. She wants the man to visit a museum.
C. She wants the man to play basketball.
3. A. He’d like another mooncake with meat in it.
B. He’d like another mooncake with nuts in it.
C. He’d like another mooncake with fruit in it.
4. A. They hurried off to catch a train.
B. They got up late this morning.
C. They hurried off to catch a plane.
5. A. in a hospital   B. in a shop   C. in an office
6. A. She wants to get some presents for her mother.
B. She wants to help her parents.
C. She want s to go on a holiday.
7. A. It’s behind the tall building.  B. It’s over there on the left.
C. It’s over there on the right.
8. A. A student   B. the headmaster   C. Mr. Green
三、 短文理解
1. The doctor told Mrs. Brown not or eat meat and cakes because _________.
A. Mrs. Brown liked them
B. meat and cakes would make her fatter.
C. meat and cakes are not good food.
2. The next morning Mrs. Brown made a cake for __________.
A. Her husband   B. herself   C. her children
3. Which of the following is true?
A. Mr. Brown ate half of the cake and left the other half for his wife.
B. Mrs. Brown ate half a cake that morning
C. Mrs. Brown ate one cake that morning.
4. Mrs. Brown made another cake because ____________.
A. Her husband loved cakes.  B. She wanted to eat some more.
C. Her husband would be angry when he knew she had eaten the cake.
5. Why was Mr. Brown very happy when he saw the half of the cake on the table?
A. Because he was hungry.
B. Because cakes were his favourite food.
C. Because he thought his wife began to stop eating cakes.
牛津英语听力练习三 (听力稿)
一、 回答问题
1. Can I borrow your ruler?   A
2. Be careful! The street is so busy!  C
3. How long has your brother been on the farm?  C
4. Let’s go for a walk, shall we?  C
5. May I speak to Mr. Green?   B
6. How long have you been like this ?  A
二、 情景对话
1. W: how long have you been at this school?
M: I have been for about four years. I came here when I was twenty-two.
Q: how old is the man now?   C
2. W: Will you be free this afternoon?
M: Sorry, I’m afraid I won’t. why?
W: I’ve got two film tickets.   A
Q: What does the woman want the man to do?
3. W: Would you like another mooncake with nuts in it, Mr. Green?
M: Yes, please.
Q: What would Mr. Green like?   B
4. W: Why did your parents hurry off this morning?
M: They were afraid to miss the plane.
   Q: What did his parents hurry off for?   C
5. W: Excuse me. Do you have any blue coat in this size?
M: Sorry, we’ve just sold out.
Q: where are they?   B
6. W: Today is my mother’s birthday.
M: Really? You should buy some present for her.
W: Yes , I think so.
   Q: What does she want to do?   A
7. W: Excuse me , where is the nearest post office?
M: it’s over there on the left.
W: Thank you very much.
M: you’re welcome.
Q: where is the nearest post office?  B
8. W: Hello! Could I speak to the headmaster, please?
M: Hold on for a moment, please. I’m sorry he isn’t here right now. May I help you?
Q: Who is wanted on the phone?  B
三、 短文理解
  “Don’t eat meal and cakes,” her doctor said to her.
  “I’m going to stop her eating them, doctor.” Her husband said.
  The next morning, Mrs Brown made a beautiful cake for her husband, and her husband ate half of it. Then he went out. Mrs Brown cut a very small piece of the cake and ate it. It was very good. She cut a bigger piece and ate it. In a few minutes, she finished the cake. “My husband is going to be very angry,” she said. “ what am I going to do?”
  She made another cake very quickly, ate half of that, and left half on the table.
  Her husband came back later. He saw the half cake on the table and was very happy.
1—5  B  A   C   C   C


 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料四 06-09-05

 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料二 06-09-05

 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料一 06-09-05


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